They float by,
Catching your time, stopping your thought.
Was it last week or the week before?
Just a movie that endlessly continues, filled with infinite highlights reels,
Don't think about that,
There is no way to erase those that can't belong,
Those that follow you,
Those that haunt your dreams,
Those the fill your head with unwanted attention,
You can't get away,
That annoying song; hum it,
Soon your thoughts drift back to better memories,
That summer day, that sunrise, that perfect day,
A smile etches across you face,
You do remember that moment,
The scents that tickle your nose,
The sounds that drift through your ears,
The wind in your hair, the sights you mind projects, the feeling of ground beneath your feet,
Open your eyes,
You are not there,
Simply a phantom feeling,
You are here, you are now,
Nothing but another person,
Nothing but another memory holder,
Lose those and how unique are you?
If everyone lost their memories, would we still act the same,
Anchors of character;