yellow~ coldplay

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Look at the stars,

Look how they shine for you,

And everything you do,

Yeah, they were all yellow.

Kelley's pov

I wake up to the sun in my eyes. I wince and open them slowly. The smell of ocean and clean air hit my nose and I smile. Everything was so white. The walls, the curtains, the carpet, everything. I feel an arm tug at my waist and I smile. I turn around and face her. The love of my life. Sleeping peacefully. I gently kiss her and she stirs, but doesn't hesitate to return the kiss. She smiles into the kiss and I do as well. We pull away and I lay my hand on her cheek. "Hi" I breath out and she grins cheekly. "Hi" she chuckles softly. Loose hairs swarm her face and I brush them away with my hand. Her soft caramel eyes melt onto mine. "Hungry?" I ask and she raises her eyebrow. "Yes, but for what is the real question." she says and I laugh. I gently push her and get up. "Keep it in your pants heath" I yawn and she smiles. "No promises." I giggle and grab a shirt from the floor, which happened to be tobin's white, yes its white too, button up. I throw it on and button it up and the sleeves pass my hands to cover them. I pout and she smiles. "It looks good o'hara. " she gets up wearing only nike pros and a sports bra. Unfortunately I was just in her shirt. Tobin walks to the bathroom and I go into the kitchen and make breakfast. I turn on the little antique radio and leave it on 106.7 while cooking. I grab some eggs and pancake mix out and start to cook. The song yellow by coldplay comes on and I smile. "Wow, I haven't heard our song in ages." tobin startles me and she chuckles. I turn around and she smiles at me. She had throw on a simple white shirt and shorts. She holds her hand out. I smile and take it. She raises the volume on the radio and we walk to the living room. She places her hands on my waist and I place mine around her neck. We dance to the music and she spins me. The moment was perfect. Picture perfect. The windows open with the ocean view and everything bright white. She starts to softly sing to me.

Your skin,
Oh yeah your skin and bones,
Turn into
Something beautiful,
Do you know,
For you I'd bleed myself dry,
For you I'd bleed myself dry.

I smile. The song finishes and we eat in comfortable silence. When we finishs she tells me to go fet dressed in bathing suit and that we were going surfing. I nod and she cleans up and I get ready. We finish and she takes off her shirt, leaving the shorts on. We grab our surfboards and head out.

She walks into the water and look ahead. I sneak up behind her and splash her. I laugh and hop on my board and paddle away. "Kell! Im gonna get you watch!" I laugh as she paddles to me. We surf for about 2 hours. I look at her and see her wearing a locket around her neck. "You forgot to take it off babe." I point to it and she smile and looks at it. "No, I didint."

Tobin's pov

I drop the locket back down to let it hand around my neck. I smile to her. We get out and walk around the beach for a while. Then we go back inside and eat outside. "You look really beautiful kell..." I tell her and she looks down. "In a bathing suit?" she laughs and I chuckle. " in general idiot " I tell her and she scoffs. "First you compliment me and the insult me?... Rude" I smile and set my food down and walk to her. I pull my chair to her and sit next to her. "Hey, I love you" I tell her and intertwine our fingers. She raises an eyebrow and says, "why are you complimenting me so much?" "what, I cant tell my gorgeous, amazing, one of a kind, loving girlfriend that shes beautiful and that I love her?" I laugh out. She blushes and chuckles. "Do you want sex?" "what? No!.... I mean yes.... But not now.." we laugh and go inside for a nap.

We later wake up and its 5. "Kell, baby... Let's go surfing again." I shake her and she groans. "Five more minutes." "Don't you want to watch the sun set?" and with that she up and we head back out. We surf for a while and have a little competition, which she ends up winning. The sun is about to set and I look at her. "Hey lets head to shore" she nods and we make our way there. We drop our boards on the sand and sit down. We watch the sun set and talk about anything and everything. Its dark and the starts are out now. "You know, this is where we met..." I tell her. She smiles brightly and leans into me. "Yup, you ran into me running and I fell, and you caught me." I look at her. Her smile fades and she kisses me. I waste no time in kissing her back. I pull away. "I fell for you too.... Now look at us....we have a place on the beach where we met." She smiles and hugs me. "Get up" "way to ruin the moment toby" I stand up and help her. I hold her hand and walk into the water and stop until it reaches our thighs. I face her and smile. "You know, when I asked you out... I thought you would say no. But surprisingly, you said you'd love to. And im glad you did. Because I wouldn't be here. With you. For 5 years. I love you kelley, only you. You're it for me." I grab the locket and open it. Inside was a ring. I take it out and get on one knee. " Im not good at this, this is my first time doing this so go easy on me please." I laugh "I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, if you wouldn't mind. My life would be utter silence without you. So, Will you marry me kelley?" I ask and she tears up. "Yes. Yes and I love you too." I slip the ring on and smile at her. I get up and she kisses me. We pull away and she lays her head on my chest. I look up and smile. I feel her look up as well and a tear rolls down my cheek. She wipes it away and I look at her. I kiss her cheek. I sing to her. "Look at the stars, look how the shine for you. And everything you do." she laugh and I laugh with her. "You're such a sap" she chuckles and tears up again. I wipe them and kiss her. "I love you o'hara." "I love you too heath."

Kelley's pov

"Tobs I want kids."


Your skin,

Oh yeah your skin and bones,

Turn into

Something beautiful,

Do you know,

You know I love you so,

You know I love you so.

** for the one who wanted kobin. Idk what song to use but then i saw a comment and i was like "yes this one is good" **

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