"Oh, we shouldn't be here..." I said as I helped Andrew up. He looked around, amazed and scared at the same time. The huge room, the flowers... I hated it. I never wanted to be here again.
I looked up, and Chara looked down. She backed away from the edge and disappeared. I need to save Andrew from this place... I thought. He looked around, then began to walk down the hall.
"Andrew WAIT!" I cried and ran after him. I grabbed the back of his shirt, and he stopped abruptly. "Hey!" Andrew exclaimed. "What was that for?" I looked around, more nervous than Alphys in front of Undyne. "You trust me, right?" I asked, jittering.
Andrew raised a brow. "Of course I do..." He said cautiously. "Why?" I sighed. "You see..." I began.
"I've been here before and there was the whole Underground and a reset button and I broke the barrier, then I had to reset cause I was in the endless loop of the Underground, and there was no way out of it until this murdery crap let me back home and yeah, now we're here."
Andrew blinked. "Yeah." I finished. "By the way, the girl up there was the murdery crap..." Andrew still looked at me in disbelief. "That's Chara. Avoid her at all costs." I looked around. We stood for a few moments.
"So what do we do?" Andrew finally broke the silence. I sighed. "Uh, great question. Answer: what do I do?" He looked at me. "Okay, question, now answer to that question." I paused.
"I reset."
Andrew shrugged. "Nice, so you're just gonna erase me?" He glared at me. "Oi, sir, don't get angry with me, you dragged me along!" I said. "But I want to look around!" He ranted. I laughed. "Ahh... No you don't."
"Well, go ahead." Andrew said after another few-second-silence. "What?" I asked, confused. "Reset!" He said, as though it was obvious. Which it was... I sighed. Again. "Okay."
"Wait," Andrew stopped me. "Wat?" I answered. "Will I... Will I remember any of this?" He asked. "No. It's my reset, only I will." I replied confidently. "But before I go..." I surprised myself by saying.
"Andrew, you're the best friend I could ever have." And, uh, I kissed him. Just on the cheek, worry not. His face lit up like a tomato. I closed my eyes, and I suppose I began to fade...? "W-wait! Frisk!" Andrew yelled.
I opened my eyes once more. Darkness. Ah, the lovely old void. Chara floated there, arms crossed. I still heard Andrew. "Wait! Frisk, please don't leave me here! Frisk..." The void was like a spectators room, it was cool.
I turned to Chara. "What?" I asked. "I told you not to jump!" She hissed at me. I put my hands up. "Gracious, you gave me the power to go farther back in a reset, what do you expect?" Chara snarled at me. "I WANTED YOU TO BE AT HOME!" She cried out.
"Away from my friends!" Chara continued. I recoiled. "Friends? Please, you killed them all!"
I rolled my eyes. "Once. Sans taught me my lesson." Chara turned away. "That's not my point!" She looked back at me. "Do you not know how this is?" She asked."How what is?" I shot back. She looked as if about to blow up. "THIS! Me in the void! You can hear Andrew, right? Still crying for you?" Chara replied. I nodded. "Every time you reset, you meet him. Asriel." Tears started at the edges of her eyes.
"I can hear him too...!" She whispered. "I CAN HEAR HIM TOO!" She suddenly yelled. I jumped back. "And I just want to bang in the walls of the void screaming 'ASRIEL ITS ME! PLEASE! CAN'T YOU HEAR ME??!'" She cried, tears running down her cheeks like a waterfall. "How would you feel?" She whispered. "If you were me? And some random kid just was talking to Andrew like nothing, and you were dead listening?"
I didn't answer. I couldn't. "It's... This is torture." Chara continued. "I can hear his voice, we're both dead but I CAN NEVER SEE HIM AGAIN!" I suddenly felt brave. "Chara, you killed them all, you kinda deserve torture." She looked into my eyes.
"I w h a t?" Bravness: bad idea. Chara turned around, grabbed the reset button, and threw it at me. "JUST GET OUT OF HERE!!! RESET AND NEVER COME BACK!!" I caught the button. "Chara, wait! I'm sorry! I didn't me-"
"R E S E T !!!!" Chara screeched. My hands fumbled. I slapped the button, shaking. The world glowed white, the deafening noise that didn't exist...
I opened my eyes.
I was at home.
"What am I gonna do?" I rested my head in my hands and cried.
❤ ❤ ❤

Undertale: True Reset
FanfictionFrisk had reset the world so many times, she can't count. Over and over again, she fell. Over and over again, she said goodbye to Toriel. Over and over again, she met Sans, solved Papyrus's puzzles, fought Undyne, everything. But after she stands at...