Chapter 12 - Touch

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Enjoy my chapter 


"Lively Teresa Adams, will you take my hand in marriage?" Says Cody as he gets down on one knee and presents a pure silver ring with a large diamond inserted into the top, "No the question is Cody Allen Christian, will you allow me to take your hand in marriage and life?" I question him back, "Well if that's the question then...."

And that's when I snap back to reality, groaning I hear a perky voice squeaking at me, "Liv Liv, wake up! Today's the day of our debut show!" Squeaks a very excited Sophie Lynx. Stretching my arms out I ruggedly smack my hand on her face, so I can push her now squished face away from my ear, "Shhh, Sophie I was just about to get engaged to Cody Christian!" I grunt at her, she giggles at my displeasure and starts talking, or should I say yelling "Oh sorry honey cheeks, next time I'll ask Siri what you're dreaming about before waking you up!" Yes, I should say yelling. I then swing my legs around and slump upwards into a sitting position with my legs dangling over the edge of my queen-sized double.

Looking up at my wide awake best friend I see her all ready to go for a run, "What's the time Soph?" I ask, her eyes widen and she automatically starts gabbing off at me again, "Ohhh, yeah it's one-thirty, I got here at eleven but I didn't want to wake you up because I know you must be tired from waking up early for school, but Renee's here and said we should go for a run before we leave for the show at three." I just nod at her and she chucks me some three quarter length tights and a white muscle-tee, a bra and my underwear.

Shooing her out of the room I start to get changed, I throw on my outfit and my blue and grey Nikes. I then walk out of my bedroom and down the stairs to see Sophie stretching outside, when I reach the foyer I walk out of the two large doors and start stretching with Sophie.


Sophie and I arrived back about twelve minutes ago, after our run we both had a shower and took care of our skin and did all the hygiene stuff. Now we're both in her blue sports car driving over to Southsound, it's only two-thirty because we ran faster than we thought we would. Most of the models and people will get there at about five but the hall at the school has been put out of bounds so we were thinking about just chilling for a few hours, maybe look around the school and stuff.

Slowly we come to a stop on the school's field which is marked off for the fashion show parking, for later. Sophie and I both step out of the car simultaneously, pushing my shades over my eyes we both meet around at the front of her car. Looking around I notice two classes playing a game of touch rugby on the field, "Hey Soph we should go ask if we can join in," I say in a joking tone.

She giggles and nods her head, I raise my eyebrow at her but she just walks off towards them. Luckily we're both still wearing our running clothes, we decided it'd be nicer after three hours of wearing uncomfortable clothes to be able to just go home in sneakers and baggy tops.


We both stop next to the P.E teacher, I think her name is Mrs Benson, I have her for P.E as well. "Excuse me, my friend Sophie and I were wondering if we could join in?" I ask tapping her shoulder. She turns around and raises an eyebrow at us, "No, go back to class," she states rudely, hag, "Oh you must be mistaken, we're models in the fashion show, we just got here early and quite frankly we're rather bored," Sophie says back with a smirk on her face, the teacher just looks between us and then turns around and blows the whistle.

"EVERYONE COME IN!" Her voice is rather strained when she yells but I don't stop her, soon enough the two classes have run back over to her. "Okay, so these two girls are going to join in, girls what did you say your names were?" I then step up next to her and Sophie soon follows, "Uh, Lively and Sophie," I mutter to her, "Okay. This is Sophie" she nudges her thumb towards Sophie," and this is Lively. They'll be joining us." 

I sense someone stiffens up behind me, so I slowly turn around and look up to see two deep chocolate eyes, "Move," he whispers softly, I nod stiffly and step aside.

"Okay girls you can join Reece's team," she points over her shoulder towards, who I assume is behind her, Reece. Sophie and I turn around to see my brick wall stood there with the rugby ball held under his arm, "Hey Reece," I say to him as he eyes me up, unintentionally I blush the colour of a pig causing him to chuckle, "Hey shortcake," his husky voice sends a shiver down my spine. Holy cheeses his voice is hot.

Let's see how many people are in my team...

So there's Reece, Chris, Sophie, Riley, a girl called Angie, a guy I don't know and me. I then look over to the opposing team and count their players.

1...2...3...4...5, it's not very even, "Excuse me Miss but the teams are uneven," I point out to the now livid teacher, after I said that I heard a whole lot of banter about the teams.

We'll take Reece...

I bags the blonde girl...

This isn't fair...

Oh please, can we have Angie!

Noo, can we have Riley?

How about the ginger?


The last one was like a stab to the ego, wow these kids are nice. Note the sarcasm. "Settle down guys, Lively you can go on their team," the teacher says as she rolls her eyes, rude much. I then hear a few No's and grunts, "No, Liv babe don't leave me," I turn to see Reece pouting at me which makes me giggle. I then sashay over to him and give him a little peck on the cheek which shuts him up, "Sorry, but just prepare to get your ass whipped by your soon to be girlfriend," and with that, I wink and walk over to the other team.

As I reach them I see a very hostile Liam and a very awkward looking Nina. "Stop scowling, you'll get wrinkles which will make your face uglier," I smirk at Liam and he just rolls his eyes, "Grow up Lively," he grumbles and I just nudge his shoulder, "Not a very nice way to greet your old bestie," I then proceed to smirk again and he just snorts.

"So...You're the infamous Lively Adams' I've heard about," after hearing the familiar voice I turn to face Amelia, I just nod and feign a confused look, "So how long have you known Liam?" she questions, I just chuckle nervously and answer with a simple shrug, crinkling her eyebrows she raises her hand and pulls back my hair, "I've seen this tattoo before, my friend Everlie has the exact same one," panic is definitely an understatement, my whole body started to sweat with fear of being found out.


Sharty shart shart shittttttttttt.

Get a hold of yourself Lively, this is why you went to acting classes as a baby, breathe in and out.

In and out

In and out


"Oh cool, yeah um she probably saw it in one of my photo's from my photoshoots and wanted one," ending it off with a nervous chuckle, great Liv makes it seem like you're a murderer why don't you?!?

To my dismay she didn't look like she believed it, go figure. "Right." she says and then turns away from me to look at Liam, "Hey, Liam. Do you know why Ever's not here today?" he just grunts in response, "I'll text her." Amelia decides. As she pulls out her phone I start to take in my surroundings, hmm I wonder where this Ever girl is---

Immediately my phone starts ringing simultaneously as Amelia's starts ringing. All six eyes dart from Amelia to me. Oh I get it now I'm Ever, aren't I...

Oh, chicken nibbles.

"Sorry, it'll be my mum, you know mum's always cheeking up on their daughters," little white lie's don't affect anything right?


1 second = 1 ring

2 seconds = 2 rings

3 seconds = 3 rings 

4 seconds = 4 rings 

5 seconds = 5 rings

"Are you going to answer it?" Nina's nasally voice screeches, with a curt nod I walk away for some privacy. Once I'm out of earshot I pull my phone out of my bra, I know a weird place to keep it, and hit accept.

"What is it, Amelia?" I ask feigning a sick voice.

"I was just wondering why you weren't at school," Amelia says ignoring my rude welcoming, "Just got a cold," I lie.

"Mhmm, well you'll never guess what!" 

"What?" I ask with a slight chuckle at her enthusiasm. "I'm playing touch with two models!" that sounds rather impressive, doesn't it? "How lovely, the things I miss out on," I giggle after my lie trying to hide the fact that I was lying, "Well anyway I have to go, Melia, talk to you later," after saying her goodbye I hang up. I then proceed to wait for a bit longer to make it seem like it was my mother was actually calling me, so I wait for about thirty more seconds before heading back.   

Slowly I reach the little group again and tell them that my mother wants me a Sophie to grab something from one of her friends now and that we have to leave. They all reply with an okay apart from Liam who just smirks, interesting. With that, I wave them off and walk over to the teacher and explain that Sophie and I have business to attend to and that we bothered her teaching.

"Sophie we're leaving," she just groans in response same with Reece. "Shush Soph I have something to tell you," with that she brightens up and heads off to the car after saying bye to her new friends. Before leaving I give Reece a hug which he generously accepts but doesn't let go, "Reece...Can't...Breathe." I murmur which makes him let go of me as fast as light, "Sorry," he says with a concerned face which makes me giggle. Cutie.

"Bye Ree," I smile at him which makes his face glow like a little girl getting a new barbie doll, "Bye shortcake," he then proceeds to peck my forehead, giggling I start to skip to my car, what? I'm a girl.

A girl who just got kissed by a very fabulous looking lad.


Cover at the top is made by the snazzy Adina_Iver AKA @Imaprettypotato

Snazzy ain't it?? Yes it is. Also check out my new book Copy and Paste, you can find it on my profile.

Okay, so I don't have much to say but I'm just going to make more words on this chapter, by saying random shit (: 

Aren't Reece and Lively a cute couple? How about Reece and Sophie? Maybe even Reece and Kylie? (Lively's mother) Okay no that's gross!


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