The Rookie Team are practicing in the trainee room.
"Rookie Team,CEO wants to speak to all of you" Trainer Kim said to them.
Then all of them go to Ji Sun's office.
"You guys will have a Rookie Team concert on Japan" Ji Sun said to them.
There shock to what Ji Sun said.
"You guys gained popularity in Japan and some of your fans suggested to have a concert in Japan" Ji Sun said
"Kamsamida" all of them
"Let your trainers give your schedule for the concert" she continued
"Yes" they all answered
After that the Rookie team really practice so hard for it eventhough is a little bit soon.But there are happy to have their own concert.The date is still not confirmed.
"There are doing well" trainer Kim said
"I think they deserved to have there own concert because they really worked hard" Ji Sun said
"Are you still gonna continue to have a survival program for the trainees so we can debut another group?" Trainer Kim said
"I still don't know maybe yes or maybe not" Ji Sun said
"I understand" Trainer Kim said
Do you like to have a survival program for our Rookie Team?? and this is just a short update.....

Ji Sun Entertainment☆지손 (Apply Fic)-Open
RandomForm,Trainee,Debut applyfic to be a trainee The First we Called to the Trainees are the Rookie Trainees Team.... The Trainee who just Debut is called the Senior Trainees or the Gradauted Rookies\Trainees..... Ji Sun's Grauduated Rookies. •Kandy (SE...