What Happened Last Night?//15

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Emma's POV

I woke up, trapped in someone's arms.

I could tell I was in my room, but considering I don't remember much of anything from last night, I'm nervous to see who is laying behind me. I tried to lightly pull my way out of the arms around me, I was able to slide out to see Grayson behind me. He grunted a bit as I moved. I was happy it wasn't some random guy, although I also wish it wasn't him.

I defiantly do remember him coming into the room pulling some girls clothes off as I was throwing up, sick, and feeling like I was dying.

Grayson's face was bloody and he had a very fresh black eye. There was blood on my shoulder from him, not to mention my sheets were defiantly covered. I don't know what happened, but it must have happened in the apartment, there was too much blood for it to be from something that happened at the party.

I couldn't find my phone anywhere, or my dress that I wore to the party. I was covered only by Grayson's shirt from last night. I hope to god I didn't do anything with anyone while I was plastered. I remember being around Jesse last night, and him ditching me so that defiantly didn't happen, but I also remember being with Cameron. That would be even worse.

I couldn't tell what time it was. I could tell by looking out my window it was about mid day, but it was really cloudy out, and rainy.

I carefully got out of my bed and stood up... I automatically felt the urge to puke my guts out, I ran into my bathroom and barley made it. I felt like crap, how much did I drink last night? What happened to Grayson? Did I do something with Cameron? I needed to find out, and quick. Preferably before Gray woke up.

I grabbed a hoodie and some leggings to throw on. Once I was dressed I went out to the living room, it was empty. I went into Jaxon's room next; it too was empty. Where was everyone? I went to check Ethan's room, thankfully he was in there. He was sitting on his bed doing something on his laptop.

"Thank god, you woke up! I was about to come in there! You've been asleep for hours." Ethan got up and came over me, pulling me in tight for a hug.

I was so confused, and my head was pounding harder with ever word he said. "Ethan... what happened last night?"

He frowned at me and went back to sit down, grabbing his laptop. "You don't remember?"

"No... not really, the last I remember was seeing Grayson with some girl, they came into the room I was in with Cameron."

"Really, that's the last thing you remember?" he gave me a shocked look and raised his eyebrows. "Have you not checked your phone?"

"My phone was in the pocket of my dress, which I can not seem to find."

"Oh shit, really?" He got up walking over to the pile of laundry in the corner of his room. "I hope it didn't fall out," He pulled up my dress and looked for the pocket.

"Why do you have my dress?" oh god, did I hook up with Ethan last night?!

He threw my phone towards me, "You'll see its all over twitter, unfortunately."

I grabbed my phone to see a ton of notifications from twitter and Instagram... I was being tagged in photos and people were calling me out, saying I was a slut, a whore, and many other unmentionable things. I opened up insta to see what photo I was being repeatedly tagged in...

"no no no no no!!!" I started to cry, it was me stripping on a bar. Why did I do this to myself...

Ethan looked up to me, "I've been up for a while trying to do something about it.... I'm trying to help Emma, but it keeps getting reposted and shared. I'm sorry..."

"I'm an idiot...." I sat down shaking my head. I'm so stupid. How could I do this... Jaxon is probably so disappointed in me. "What if I delete everything... I'll delete my twitter and Instagram! Will that help?!"

"I mean maybe but Jaxon, Gray and I will still be tagged in it..." he looked upset with me.

"I'm so sorry Ethan, I never meant for this to happen! I don't even remember it!"

"It's okay Em, we will figure something out." He pulled me into a hug. I just wanted to cry, I felt so embarrassed and so bad for involving them in this.

"Where's Jaxon at?" I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to completely disappear out of my life after that.

"I don't know; I think he's at Zoey's. She was with you when all of this happened," he motioned towards the computer screen. "She was really sick when we were leaving," Ethan looked really concerned. "Something happened last night though, I was with you, making sure you were okay, but Gray and Jaxon were arguing. It was bad Em..."

"What do you mean?! Is that why Gray is beat up? Did Jaxon hurt him?" I was panicking, why would Jaxon do this to Grayson....

Did Jaxon find out?

"I don't know, I haven't seen Gray... you and I were outside sitting down because you were having a hard time breathing, and they were up here in the apartment. I just know Jaxon came out with Zoey and said he was leaving." He continued, "by the time we went back up stairs, I didn't see gray anywhere, the living room was a mess and the chairs were knocked over, but I figured Grayson was mad and left to walk it off. I went and helped you in your room, but then I went to my room and crashed. Wait is Gray in his room?"

"No I woke up with him in my bed, he's pretty messed up and there was blood on me and all over my sheets. But he's still asleep, I didn't want to wake him... He's okay and breathing though." This whole thing is a mess.

"Well we should probably go check on him Emma," Ethan was really concerned now.

"I don't want him to wake up yet, I don't know what happened last night! Tell me what happened at the party." I knew Grayson was okay, he was snoring and just in a deep sleep. I needed to know what happened last night, I'm still so mad about the girl he was with. Sure I had a date but I wasn't going to fuck the guy. I just wanted to make Gray jealous...


Ethan updated me on everything he knew and everything I forgot. I could not believe Grayson protected me like he did. I am also extremely disappointed with myself.

I had Ethan go to Zoey's to make sure her and Jaxon were okay...

I felt bad for Grayson, I was still upset with him, but after hearing what he did I couldn't even focus on that. I went back into my room to see him still knocked out.

I wanted to know why him and Jaxon fought.

I went and grabbed a bowl of warm water and a towel to wipe the dried blood of his face. I went over to him and pulled his head up to rest in on my lap. It didn't even wake him up. I bent down and kissed his forehead.

He protected me, even when we weren't happy with each other. He really does care.

I was starring at his face once it was cleaned off, even with the cuts and bruises he was still so attractive. He must have felt my stare... he woke up and looked up at me.

He tried to sit up but struggled, grunting in pain. "Aww Gray," I whimpered. "Just lay back" He leaned back onto me.

I was sitting up leaning back on the wall. He was up high enough so that when he leaned back onto me, his head was right below mine on my chest.

I ran me fingers through his hair... he was in so much pain. "Gray... what happened last night."

He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers, "Jaxon happened." He stated. Before I could ask what he meant he finished what he was saying. "I told him everything, and he beat the living shit out of me... and I let him."

Grayson didn't fight Jaxon back... that's why he was so beat up. "You told him, Everything?"

"He's really mad Em, but it was worth it, this is all worth it...." he looked up at me. "He might still be upset, but hopefully he will get over it, because I'm never going to get over you. I can't hide you away anymore. I love you Emma."

I leaned into him, grabbing his face and crashing my lips into mine, "I love you Grayson..."

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