Chapter 2

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I felt my phone buzz. I pulled it out of my apron pocket and pushed the home button. It wasnt in my contacts. It said; "Hey beautiful, Got your number and name. Lovely name by the way. Natalia. Love the way that sounds. Well anyway, wanna meet up later tonight?" I shyly tucked my phone in my pocket, I knew who it was from. Cutting off my train of thought Melissa finally decided to show up. " Hey sorry guys! I had a doctors appointment!" I nodded in a "I dont really care" sort of way and then took her arm to tell her about him. Him? Him! I didn't even know his name yet and I'm about to go out on a date with him! Well I guess thats why they call them risks. I gave her my phone. I bit my finger in enjoyment while I thought about him. She snapped her fingers and told me to pay attention. "Are you sure about this? You haven't gone out since- never mind." She paused knowing that water was filling my soft blue eyes. "It will be fine" I said. "I have to start up again sometime, eh?" She nodded in agreement.

I checked my phone realizing I only had an hour to get ready. I threw my apron on the rack that said my name on it. I wondered "What should I wear?" I looked down at my wrists. "Long sleeves or a crap load of bracelets......" It was silent the rest of my walk home. No more thinking. Just silence. I realized how much the silence scares me so I put in my earbuds.


"What do I do?" I wondered. Shes so beautiful, and I'm just "Louis" I thought about her blonde hair and her elegant soft lips with her ocean breeze eyes.

I walked through the door ordering a couple of drinks and sitting down at a table waiting for my lovely date. Hopefully she didnt turn me down. I sighed.

I looked up and I saw her beautiful eyes look straight into mine. The whole world froze like we were the only two in the room.


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