Day 18: 30 Day Writing Challenge

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Day 18: rewrite an urban legend or fairy tale.

(Rewritten from Pinocchio and The Boy Who Cried Wolf)

"My Uncle went to space."

"Sam! Is someone telling a lie?"

"Lies? I couldn't possibly commit such a crime."

"I visited the tooth fairy last night underneath my pillow."

"Sam! Is someone telling a lie?"

"Lies? I couldn't possibly commit such a crime."

"Did you hear about how my mum climbed Mount Everest?"

"Sam! Is someone telling a lie?"

"Lies? I couldn't possibly commit such a crime."

"Last night I went to the North Pole to visit Santa and his Reindeers."

"My mummy took me there by her private jet."

"Sam! Is someone telling a lie?"

"Lies? I couldn't possibly commit such a crime."

"I travelled through my book of dinosaurs and started talking to them all."

"They were trying to eat me!"

"Sam! Is someone telling a lie?"

"Yesterday I went to New York to see my new talking dog named Sunny."

"It's like I'm the new doctor Do Little."

"Sam! Is someone telling a lie?"

"Lies? I couldn't possibly commit such a crime."

"I just went to Antarctica and huddled with some penguins."

"It was so warm."

"Sam! Is someone telling a lie?"

"I'm moving to America because my dad got an acting job there."

"Sam! Is someone telling a lie?"

"Mum, Mum we're moving to America right?"

"Yeah your dad got an acting job there."

"See Annabelle, I really am telling the truth."

"Do you believe me now?"

'Okay, I believe you Sam."

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