Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 is here!!! i hope you all enjoy

The trailer that i made for this fan fiction is an external link! if you cant find, its on youtube under the username Stephie1853! or if you want to type in the external link to find it strait away here it is! i hope you all enjoy it.

This Chapter has been edited!

It's been two weeks since i saw Harry, he hasn't tried to see me or contact me, i don't know wether to be happy or sad about that, he's my brother and of course i miss him, I'm just mad, mad at how he could of left me the way he did, so suddenly, with no goodbye.

After hours and hours of pacing around mine and Addie's room i decide to call him hoping that his number hasn't changed from four years ago, wish me luck.

"the number you have dialled has been disconnected"

my phone says to me after 2 rings of the phone, great now how am i going to contact him , i don't know where he lives, his phone number, or if he even wants to see me after what i said last time we spoke.

"whats up chicken?" Addie says walking into our shared bedroom watching me pace

"i saw Harry a couple of weeks" sighing knowing i blew my chance

"how come you never told us this, when was it? how did it go? tell me everything?" she says incredibly fast

i giggle at how excited she has got just but the mention of me seeing my brother "on my birthday, at the cemetery, i pretty much screamed at him and said he wasn't my brother and i tried calling his old phone like 30 minutes ago and its been disconnected. i just miss him Addie, i want whats left of my family back" i sit on the ground and a star seeps from my eye, Addie comes and sits next to me putting her hand on mine

"if finding him is what you need Leah, then thats what we will do, for the past 4 years you have been so incredibly strong, you lost everything, and your still here, in my books anybody that doesn't see that doesn't deserve you my love" i smile up at my best friend realising how lucky i got having her and her parents in my life.

without them i would of been on the streets fighting for warmth, food and water, without them, i would not of made it through the past 4 years and thats for sure.

"how do we find him?" i ask her optimistically

"i have no idea" Addie just replies and laughs

we have no idea how we are going to make this work, but we have to find a way.


"Leah! wake up!" i get jumped on and woken up from my very peaceful sleep

"go away" i push her off me and try to fall back to sleep

"i know where Harry lives now get your but out of bed, because where leaving in 10"

i have 10 minutes to get ready, now I'm not a super girly girl, but i like makeup and look gross without it, so having to get ready in 10 minutes tends to be a little bit of a challenge for me, seeing as I'm exhusted, and nervous about seeing my brother.

after 30 minutes I'm ready, with judging looks coming from Addilyn for taking "so long" we hop in the car and drive the the out north of london, and come to a stop outside this gorgeous looking property thats got iron gates and hedges all the way around it.

"uhhhhh Addie, how do you expect us to get in there?" she just looks at me and shrugs her shoulders

real helpful, we both get out of the car and go unto the little box positioned right outside the gate and push a black button that makes a buzzing noise


"Styles residence, who is this" the box spoke to us with a female voice

"can you please just tell Harry its Leah" i hear a groan come from the box

"if you want to meet him, buy meet and greet tickets, thanks and have a nice day" they say abruptly

"well she was nice" Addilyn says sarcastically

Addilyn rings the buzzer again and the same woman talks

"tell Harry that it is Leah, we wont leave until you do and thats final" Addie said fiercely, i was incredibly surprised and proud

"hello" his masculine voice speaks to us from the box

" Harry, its Leah"

as soon as the words slip out of my mouth the iron gate automatically opens and Addie and i just look at each other as she smirks at me, obviously proud that this was all her doing

we walking through the big iron gates and Harry was standing at the front door, i ran into his arms and hugged him, man he has changed a lot in 4 years, he's buffed up, his hair is longer, he has tattoos, I've missed him.

"im so sorry for what i said too you, you didn't deserve it, i was mad and angry and I'm so so sorry" he looked at me and all i could see in his eyes was sadness, pure sadness

"god no, don't apologise if anything its my fault, i left you, i shouldn't of, i just couldn't take it after mum and dad passed away, i had to get out, i had to leave, i should of taken you with me but i was scared, i had no money, i couldn't of raised you the way you deserved, thats why i left you, i knew you would end up Clara and Mick"

i hug him one more time before letting go

"i dont know if you remembered but this Harry, is Addilyn" he looked up from me and strait to her, "wow you've changed" he gushes

Addie just blushed and smiles at him, i clear my throat on purpose to get his attention back

"uhhh come inside, both of you"

we walk into the gorgeous house that Harry owns and walk instantly into a ginormous living room filled with couches and expensive decor

"the guys are here... i can tell them to leave if you want" i just smile at him and shake my head telling him its okay that they can stay, i mean they have been here longer than me anyway, who am i too kick them out.

we walk through the house following Harry for what seems like ages due to the size of this house before we get to the kitchen to be met by 4 other guys.

Addie and i stand awkwardly while the 4 guys who we have mo idea who they are just stare at us

"guys this is my sister Leah and her best friend Addie" Harry says facing the guys and turns around to smile at us

one of the guys stands up from the kitchen bench and walks over to us

"hey I'm Niall, pleasure to meet you" hmmm and irish accent, cute, then one by one all the rest of the guys come to meet us with "hi's" and "hey's" all of them seem really sweet but still feel awkward being here seeing as i don't really know them and I'm in a house with them all.

"sooooooooo I'm gonna take Leah upstairs to catch up with her, we have 4 years to catch up on, Addie do you want to come with Leah and i or would you like to stay here with the guys"

i was expecting Addie to automatically decide she was going to come with us but instead she surprised me by saying "ill just hang out with the guys if thats okay"

Harry and i nod and we walk upstairs together, he leads me to a room with a giant bed in the middle with a TV that is the biggest i have ever seen in the world, I'm assuming this is Harry's room

"so, how have you been, honestly?" Harry says to me patting the bed to tell me to sit with him, i quickly comply

"it's been hard, especially at first, i had just found out i lost mum and dad, then i pretty much lost my brother at the same time, i had no family, no one too talk to, i got sent to multiple hospitals because i decided this world wasn't meant for me and..."

Harry quickly buts in on me speaking "what do you mean the world wasn't meant for you? why would you have to go to hospital for that?"

i looked at him, wondering if i tell him what i really went through after he left

"i tried to kill myself, multiple times, from 15 to well, quite recently, i self harmed, for many many many years, i don't want to go into detail, but it wasn't easy, i felt like nobody cared, even though people did, trust me, it was 10 times harder for me than it was for you, you went off and found a career, fame, a new family, i still haven't found myself" i haven't ever really talked to anybody about that stuff, besides Clara because she was the one that took me to all the hospital appotiments for all the years

"im so sorry Leah, i knew it wasn't going to be easy for either of us but i never imagined that something like this would happen to you, i am so so sorry this is all my fault" he said starting to cry.

it killed me to see him this way, i know that it shouldn't really because of what he did, but he is my brother after all.

"your right, partly it is your fault I'm not going to sugar coat that, but i can promise you, all that stuff still would of happened if you where there, i wasn't in a good place when mum and dad died Harry, i was lost, and honestly i still am"

he looks at me with sympathy in his eyes and hugs me "you never have to be alone again i promise I'm here" he whispers to me, confirming what I've always wanted, i had my family back.

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