Dear Nana,
Wow, this letter may be harder to write than I thought it would be. Not that you will ever read it now, I just hope you're watching over me now so that you know everything I'm about to say to you.
I never was close to you like Chloe or Kaitlin were. I was always Kind of the black sheep of the family, and I'm not trying to make a silly pun about my brown hair compared to all my ginger family, I was always too young to want to really visit, like you said to me the other week.
But nevertheless I really loved you, and I always will whether you are dead or alive. When I lived on the island we were closer but then I moved away and we stopped talking really, it was only really on special occasions we called for a 5 minuet phone call, and if I could go back and change that I would.
I'm sorry I didn't see you more. And now you're gone, and I'm trying to really come to terms with that. Because one minuet you were here, happy and in okay health, the next I'm getting a call from my dad saying you died. And words can't explain to you how happy I am that I saw you before you passed away, I just knew I was meant to go see you, I knew Nana. And what a weird coincidence it happened on the same day that it had been 6 months since I'd seen my Dad. I've now started talking to him again, I know that's what you would have wanted, and I'm glad I am because the pain may not be as bad anymore, although now I am counting something else every 12th of each month.
I wish we could've been closer. And to think I was planning on coming down to see you and give you one of my latest school pictures for on your mantelpiece next week. It all was just so sudden.
I'm going to miss you so much Nana, and I will never forget about you, I may not have seen you often but know that I always loved and cared for you.
RIP beautiful.
Love Jess Xx

30 Day Letter Challenge ~ Jessiemoomoomay
Random30 days of letters to the people who made a big impact on my life - enough to be in a book they most likely will never read!