Chapter 5

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Kevin Rudolf - You Make The Rain Fall ft. Flo Rida

Taylor Swift - Sparks Fly

Taylor Swift - Best Days

"It's hard to believe in coincidence, but it's even harder to believe in anything else" 

-John Green 


- Iris's Point of View -

The first thing I noticed when I woke up was the hot breath burning on my neck. I opened my eyes and rubbed the sleep away.

I tried sitting up but something heavy prevented me from moving. That something was Austin's arm.

His arm was slung around my waist tightly. I looked over at him and made a weird squeaking noise in my throat.

His entire body was cuddled around me. His face was buried in my neck causing my hair to hide his face like a curtain. His left leg was crossed over my legs which were straight. The other leg was tangled in between mine. The arm that wasn't wrapped around me was a few inches away from my face.

I didn't know how to react. What was I thinking sleeping next to a stranger, in his bed?!?!

First of all, I hardly know this boy. Okay, yes, I know about him but it isn't like I actually know him. I just met him yesterday! I know I may have a teeny crush on him but that doesn't make it okay to basically cuddle with a stranger in his bed. No matter how hot that stranger may be.

I gathered my sleepy self and tried to break free of his iron grip. No luck. I sighed and glanced over at him again.

Austin was sleeping deeply with a peaceful look on his face. His hair was slightly tousled and his cheeks were rosy. He breaths were deep and even as his chest rose and fell. His lips were slightly ajar so I could faintly see his white teeth. He muttered something quietly as he moved a little closer to me, if that was even possible.

His grip on me tightened.

I sighed again and slowly lifted his strong arm from my waist, being extra careful not to wake him. When I was finally free, I leaped up from the bed and scampered to the corner of his room breathing in a sigh of relief.

Austin muttered something else and stirred in his sleep. He patted the spot next to him and when he noticed it was empty, he quickly sat up and rubbed his eyes.

He still hadn't noticed me blushing in the corner.

He stretched his arms and slowly opened his eyes. He scanned the room until his eyes feel upon me and a tired smile slowly spread across his face.

"Hey Iris! Did you sleep good?" He croaked in his morning voice.

I blushed deeper and quickly nodded my head. "Did you even sleep next to me the whole night?"

What did he just ask? Did he not notice how he was cuddled up against me?

I made a strange noise in my throat and looked to the side in attempt to hide my blushing face that was only getting redder by the minute.

He yawned and stood up. He walked over toward me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"So, um, are you hungry?" He asked awkwardly. I looked up praying that my face wasn't still red.

"That's okay. I should get going since my mom is probably freaking out right now," I said softly. "Probably," He chuckled softly. "Hey, I know that it may be kinda weird of me to ask this, but do you want to hang out today? I don't have anything to do and I totally understand if you don't want to or if you have pla-" I cut him off from his cute rambling by placing a finger to his lips.

Emotions - (An Original Austin Mahone Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now