The beastie looks away with a blush on her face, then the same thing that distracted her grabs my attention as well. As usual Lucius is doing something to aggravate everyone, although the target is my dear sister, Narcissa. The blonde idiot had thrown his food at her, and being a Black, she had, of course avoided the plate."This food is foul Narcissa! Clearly you need to be harsher with the elves. You'd almost think they'd tampered with my food specifically."
He sneers before standing and walking towards a door.
"Are you coming dear wife?"
He says the last word with a snarl and Narcissa, with an ice cold expression, makes to rise but the harsh voice of the Dark Lord stops her.
"Narcissa. Please sit."
Quickly she complies and I can see a look of gratitude flash across her face so quickly that anyone who wasn't me would have missed it.
"Lucius. Your behavior is like that of a child. Throwing food at a woman, and might I mention, your wife, is incredibly childish. Clean up your mess."
Lucius stood there with impetulant look on his face. Hopefully he refuses so Voldemort can kill him already. No one would miss him, especially not his wife. Unfortunately if Lucius were killed the death eaters would no longer have access to his manor or his money, as he hadn't given Narcissa any control over their finances. It was a hurdle the dark lord had been trying to figure a way around for awhile.
"Might I add, Lucius, failure to obey will result in punishment. Consider yourself lucky I haven't already crucioed you."
Malfoy refused to move and when he opened his mouth it was clear he was going to defy our dark lord. I grin in anticipation at what might happen.
Although I was grateful for Tom's intervention I know it will only worsen whatever Lucius might do to me later. Before Lucius can open his shit filled mouth Mr. Riddle flicks his wand and my husband freezes. Nervously I watch as Tom turns to my sisters new pet, Hermione."Hermione dear, what do you think a fitting punishment for Mr. Malfoy is?"
I'd never really looked at the brunette or even knew that much about her until now.The most I knew of her was what Draco had told me, brightest witch of her age supposedly, and annoyingly helpful to the Order, up until her capture of course. But I could see that she was very different now. The honey brown eyes that look at Lucius are cold and calculating. Obviously Hermione already knows exactly what kind of man he is. What confuses me is her nose. Her nostrils are flaring and she looks suddenly at the food splattered on the wall behind me. A smirk curls on her lip and she waves a hand. The food on the wall flies back to the table along with the plate, and rearranges itself until it's almost as if it was never thrown.
"If this food is so awful then let's have Mr. Malfoy eat all of it. All of it."
The rest of the death eaters looked shocked at the simple "punishment" but Tom and Bellatrix both give out an evil chuckle. What are they up to? I had already eaten a little, and it tastes fine to me. Tom nods his head in agreement and the brunette waves her hand at Lucius and he's magically marched back to his chair and sat down.
"Eat Lucius."
The Dark Lord commands and Lucius grimaces but is forced to obey when Mr. riddle points his wand.
"Please everyone keep eating."
Nervously everyone begins eating again, glancing at Lucius occasionally. As soon as the last of his food is gone the magic is released.

FanfictionHermione was left behind after Malfoy Manor and locked in a dungeon. Over the months of imprisonment something like Stockholm syndrome developed between her and Bellatrix, and Hermione is unwaveringly loyal to her. There will be more backstory later...