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*Back to present day*
So now I'm going to teach you about present day me. I'm 18 I'm about to graduate and I just reached 5 million subscribers. After we graduate me and Alissa plan on moving to London, going to an online college, and going to a culinary school in London. When we finish we plan on opening a cáfe/bakery.

*After graduation*
We finally graduated and now Alissa and I are looking up affordable but good online colleges. After looking we found one we signed up and started looking for a culinary school in London. After about 30 minutes of looking we found one  and see what we had to do get and practiced cooking and baking. (We ended up cooking until midnight we where going to keep cooking but decided we needed to rest for the next day).

*The following day*
We got up at 8:00 am and went to the gym. We worked out for about an hour then came back and looked for 3 bedroom flats in London (the first 2 for Alissa and I then the 3rd one for and office/extra bedroom). We found one emailed the realtor and bought it. We bought some plane tickets to London and got some of the money they use over there. By a weeks time Alissa and I where in our way to London.

a/n: sorry for such a short story and a cliff hanger

Dreams (Danisnotonfire/Dan Howell fan fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora