After the ambulance

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After Lexi had blacked out, they already made it to the hospital. She was so scared. They immediately got her into one of the beds and hooked her up to some IVs and rushed her to a room.

Seconds later, she was finally awake again and her parents were standing over her. She began to realize where she was at.

The doctor came in slowly with a sad face " sweetheart I'm sorry to break it to you but you have cystic fibrosis".

Lexi began to cry because she knew that she wasn't like her family. But her entire career of sports and everything she dreamed of.

Her parents signed to get her out and got what she needed and took her home.

"Sweetheart are you okay?"
"I don't know mom I honestly have no idea at this point. I mean I thought I'd get something that y'all have or the rest of the family does which isn't that severe but instead I get cystic fibrosis which is pretty severe." She said on the verge of tears.
"Sweetheart we don't know what stage you're at yet. There's four stages we could've caught it early.

She didn't say anything back. She just sat on the couch and stared at the floor realizing her world would fall apart.

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