Chapter Fourty Four

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"Savvy can I talk to you in the hall" Mario said as I was hugging mark "Okay um brb mark" I said than stopped hugging mark and walked out the room, and into the hallway. "Okay Mario what do you wa-" I said but was interrupted by mario kissing me. It took me a while to realize what just happened but I felt comfortable so I started giving in and kissing him back. "That was woah" Mario said pulling away blushing "Well you did start it Mr.Selman" I said laughing but slightly blushing. "You love it Mrs.Selman" Mario said winking "In your dreams kid" I said laughing. "Oh but didn't you kiss back" Mario said teasingly "Yea and you kissed me first so" I said laughing again. "Oh true" Mario said than pouting out his bottom lip "Aw your adorable" I said pecking Mario's lips. "Sario?" Mario asked smiling "Sario!" I said returning back the smile. "Okay but let's try to keep it lowkey I think Weston still likes me" I said nervously "Okay but no one's taking MY babygirl away from me" Mario said hugging me and kissing my forehead. "Okay lets go inside they probably think we died or something" I said laughing, Mario just nodded and we walked inside. "What we're yall doing out there?" Mark asked us smirking "Nothing you dipward" I said pushing him away from me. He only made kissing noises which made me and Mario blush. I looked at Weston he just had a frown on his face and he was looking at his phone. "Hey bud what's wrong" I said walking towards weston and sitting next to him. "I just really like this girl but I don't think she feels the same way" Weston said looking down frowning even more "You should tell her how you feel it would get that frown off your face" I said trying to cheer him up. "Okay uhm..........savvy I still like you, I want you to be mine again I miss you, I miss your kisses, your texts, your hugs, your lips, just everything, please be mine again" Weston said confidently. "Um" I said than looked at Mario then back at Weston, Mario nodded. "Weston im sorry but I like us as friends that was the past I'm already with someone" I said feeling guilty "Who?" Weston asked hurt. I gulped and I was super nervous when I said his name "Mario".
"I should of knew it he gets everything he wants" Weston said "I'm sorry bro" Mario said sad. "It's okay Mario it's not your fault she likes you and you like her, yall are perfect together, sario forever" Weston said. (Meston Moment). Weston honestly took this better than I thought he would, I think this relationship will be better than I thought.
Oh HEYYY AGAIN, I chose her to be with mario because most people said Sario. Sorry if you wanted savvy to be with Mark or Weston or Zach. Gotta give the people what they want am I right? Alright I'm wild I needa stop, anyways hope you liked this chapter and don't forget to vote (;

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