Love a four letter word
When you say love do you really mean it?
When you hear love do you really know it?
When your hearts beats fast is that love?
When the word love comes out of your mouth do you really mean it?
Or do you let love break and make it lust?
When you feel love is it really love or is it love true form...lust?
When we think we are in love is it really us that is in love or our mind playing a sick twisted games?
Is love and lust truly different?
Most people in the world will never know what is love.
They'll never have a chance to hear about love, feel love, say love, or ever be in love.
Love can determine the world and our own life's.
You may be asking "how would you know that?"
The answer is easy...
I have to falling as a victim.
And if you ask if I'll ever fall in love again my answer would
Love is the most powerful word that we know.
But I am not capable of the four letter word that is love

A Book Of Poetry
Poetrymy first short poems hope you like it... I only write when I either really upset so I hope you enjoy