It was during breakfast when Bruce asked, "So, I know you have ADHD, do you have anything else I should know about?" he was just sipping coffee going from the newspaper to looking at me.
"I have dyslexia and have bad allergies to seafood." I said with a shrug and shoved another pancake into my mouth.
Wiping my hands on the napkin then face I grabbed my backpack, "I'm gonna walk to school." Because the whole domestic scene felt weird and it felt like some eye to a storm.
I was still pissed is basically it, while Bruce will finally notice and talk to me, his promises still don't mean nothing and while Dick was still trying they were still failing.
And I was still pissed.
So walking to school on a day that I really didn't need to after being kidnapped...maybe not my best thought. So, it came as a surprise and relief when Dick took a plain pancake and shrugged on his backpack and started to walk toward the door with me still eating the disgustingly plain pancake with nothing on it.
"I'll walk you." Dick just said and I shrugged feeling more safer with him. If anyone noticed I moved a tad closer no one said anything.
It also wasn't like Gotham Academy was a long walk, you just had to go through the woods and down toward the park and take right. Five blocks down and bam, the large academy was right there in all of it's glory.
"What was that about?" Dick asked after like 10 minutes into walking through the forest.
"What was what about?" I asked trying to avoid the question.
By the way Dick was frowning I knew that the question wasn't avoided, "Don't play dumb Percy." Dick said and his face softened, "what's wrong?" he asked a tad hesitant.
"Nothings wrong." I said bitterly and glared at the ground allowing Dick to lead us to school.
"Don't tell me it's nothing." Dick said and paused in walking. I had to look up from almost knocking into him and gave him a look.
I was about to snap and get mad when I saw the concern in his face. Part of me wanted to be angry but as soon as I saw the face I saw my mom and my anger melted away.
"We're gonna be late, I'll tell you along the way." I muttered and put my head down and continued to walk through the forest.
A few minutes I took a deep breath and looked up, "For the months I've been living here, I never had Bruce's attention." I started then glared when Dick opened his mouth giving him a silent let-me-talk-so-shut-up look.
After making sure he wouldn't try to interrupt again I started, "Anytime he had available was ruined by his little side activity and people escaping and causing mayhem. When he wasn't doing that he was working or doing something like watching your mathalon's." I said and kicked a stone that was in my way and watch it tumble in front of me.
"He's never even been to one of my basketball games." I said bitterly and clenched my hands in my pocket feeling anger spark through me again.
"Are you sure he hasn't?" Dick asked but he didn't sound very certain especially when I snorted in disbelief.
"The couch allows the players to hold off seats for family, Three seats, one was always filled and that was by Alfred. Sometimes you would fill the other but guess what. One was always empty, and we're halfway through the games." I said bitterly.
It was quiet for awhile as we started to cross through the park, "I just wish that I could've gotten his attention before I knew about Batman. The only reason he pays attention now is because I know his little dirty secret and I got kidnapped." I said and refrained from digging my nails even more into my the skin of my hand.
"He just doesn't know how to handle suddenly having family." Dick said quietly and I really wanted to snap at him to stop defending the guy but instead I closed my eyes and remembered my mom.
"Do I have any other family?"
"That is a more complicated question than you think sweetie."
"What do you mean mommy?"
"I haven't talked to my family in years, not since my mommy and daddy died."
"I'm sorry mommy"
"You did nothing wrong sweetie, come on. I think I have a photo album somewhere of my big brother, mom and dad."
Opening my eyes I felt my angry go away, "I think I understand." I said slowly releasing my anger and allowed it to flow out of me.
It was silent for a bit more as we neared school, "Do you want me to walk you home?" Dick asked and I looked back toward the way from our house toward the school.
"I kinda wanna take the long way. Tell Alfred that I'll walk home, call if anything changes." I said and said goodbye to Dick as he went toward his friend Barbara and suddenly I was left alone in the halls that were known as Gotham Academy.
The place where I had to act like I was part of the Wayne family, not only that but had the smarts just like Dick Grayson because if we were in a way related then I must be smart.
Sighing I trudged my way to hell that was known as English, my least favorite subject.
It sucked just like I expected. The teacher called on me to read from the textbook and by the end of the sentence my hands were in the form of a fist and I was beat red in the face with embarrassment and anger.
"May I got to the bathroom." I said tightly and as I saw the teacher not that caring that she had humiliated me during class.
I pushed open the door to the bathroom angrily and stopped short when the horrible smell of smoke entered my nose.
"Kid, don't you know anything about these schools?" A kid, who looked around five years older said as he puffed from a cigarette, something Gabe always did.
"If I did, do you think I would be here?" I asked dryly and started toward the sink trying to ignore the group of 15 year olds.
"I like the kid." the guy responded with another puff.
"Wanna try kid?" One of the other boys asked and I hesitated.
Fuck it. I told myself and nodded. I watched as the teen took out a smoke and then handed me it and lit it for me.
"First time?" A girl (who I hadn't seen until now) asked and she looked a little concern.
Nodding hesitantly I tried to follow their example but the smell was horrible along with the taste and I ended up in a cough fit with my throat (and a bit of my lungs) hurting.
"I think I'll pass now." I said and handed the bastard thing to one of the other boys who shrugged and then started to smoke from it.
"Not gonna be wasteful." he said as I cupped water from the faucet and drank from my hands then spat it out.
"I'm going back to class." I muttered and went out of the bathroom. 'Great', I thought as the smell seemed to be stuck to my clothes.
Muttering annoyed and not caring if I was missing class I found my locker and grabbed the extra set of clothes and went toward the empty gym (thank god no one had Gym first period).
Not caring if my clothes got wet I stepped straight under it and allowed it to soak through me. Feeling a bit better I turned off the faucet and got one of the extra towels and messily dried my hair before changing into the other clothes.
Smelling my breath and then wrinkling my nose I grabbed a pack of mint gum from my backpack and threw it in my mouth hopping it would cause the horrible smell to go away.
Feeling oddly better for some reason, I wrapped the clothes in the towel and stuffed them in my locker so I could take them home later.

The Greek Bat (NonMythological Version)
FanfictionPercy Jackson was Nine years old when his life changed. His mother died and he expected to be thrown into the system, only he was thrusted toward an uncle he never knew. That said uncle and his practically brother always disappeared when night came...