Chapter 14: change of scenery

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Zayns pov
It's been a week since i've seen Becca. I couldn't even think straight anymore. She didn't respond to any of my calls or texts. Amber hasn't passed by either. I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to leave becca alone. Louis told me they are fine. But that wasn't enough to calm me down. The doctors keep me under watch and if i'm lucky i can get out of here in no time. Then i can go look for her, tell her i'm sorry. I'm alone right now and i can't take it.

I hear a soft knock at the door and i can't help but hope it's her. But who am i kidding, i broke her. The thing is, i could never explain to her what happened, why i didn't call back. She'd never believe me. I can't believe my mother did this to me, for 3 years she has been lying to me. The door opens and there stood Perrie, my ex fiancé. " Oh Zayn, I thought you were dead." She cried and ran to my side. I dismissed her immediatly. Perrie and I had been together for a long time, but we barely saw each other and we both knew this was for the best. "What happened to your tour?" She sighed and blushed. "I took a break as soon as I heard, i knew you needed me." I held back a sigh. I didn't really need her here right now, she'll complicate things. "You don't have to say it Zaynie, i know in my heart i'm right. Speaking of which, my heart also told me something else. " Here we go, i knew this was coming. "I can't live without you Zayn, we love each other that should be enough." Her eyes were filled With hope. I turned away from her. How on earth was I supposed to tell her  my heart never really belonged to her. That I was lied to and because of that I lied to her. Don't take me wrong, I have loved Perrie, very much so. But my heart wasn't always in it. It felt like something was missing, i just never knew what. "Zayn, say something." She halfly begged. "I met someone or better yet, i refound someone. Someone that holds my heart in a way i'll never be able to explain." Her eyes changed, they glazed over and blinked more rapidly then before. "How can you have rekindled a lost love if you said you never loved anyone else but me?" Her voice trembled under the weight of her words. This is even harder than I thought it was. "There was a girl, before you. We have seen the best of times and sadly enough the worst as wel. When i lost her my mind blocked her out. I lost my memory and because only my mother knew who she was, i forgot about her. I saw her a few weeks ago when we went clubbing. Because of that i'm here, the memory was to hard for me to bear and my body went in overdrive, knocking me out in the proces. I know this sounds ridiculous, but I swear it's true." She didn't say anything. She didn't know what to say. "I'm so sorry Perrie, you know i'd never mean to hurt you. Not like this to say the least." She just nodded and closed her eyes. "I get it, it is a weird story, but there isn't any reason for you to make up a story like that just to get rid of me. You're not that kind of guy." She smiled  while grabbing my hand en squeezing it. I smiled, perrie was a friend for life to anyone. I'm glad she understands. "She's a lucky girl you know." She whispered. I frowned and that didn't go unnoticed. "She doesn't want to be with you does she?" I shook my head. "The moment we lost contact was the moment she did about anything to keep me in her life. She needed me and I left without ever coming back. I didn't know. But she'll never believe me, ever. I get it though, i wouldn't either if i'm honest. It sucks really." I bit my lip to bite back the tears. Periie stayed silent and gave me a small hug. "It's gonna be okay Zayn."

Becca's POV

I wonder about Zayn all the time. The last time I saw him tore me apart, but i still need to know he's okay. I walk around the neighbourhood constantly. Every place held a memory of me and Zayn, they were so beautiful. I want nothing more than to go back to those days, but he left me here and he can't expect i'll drop anything and take him back. It just doesn't work that way. This isn't a movie and he'll never be the hero of this story. I sighed and sat down on my favourite bench. The view from here is amazing. You're confronted with pure nature, a little patch that hasn't been touched by humanity yet. It's the place where I feel at peace with the world.I stare out infront of me and I can feel a tear rolling down my cheeck. I've tried to stay strong for far too long.

Suddenly a soft finger wiped away my tear and I turn to face the one and only Niall Horan. I said nothing, there was nothing to say. "I'm sorry." He started, leaving me confused. "I'm sorry that you and Zayn were separated for so long in such an awful way. Neither of you deserved it." I huffed, Zayn isn't even hurting. So what, did he deserve to not feel anything while I ached constantly? "You don't know what happened, how can you even say something like that then?" He took a deep breath. "I might not know what happend, But I have eyes. I see you're trying to stay tough. You're scared that anyone that sees the true you will hurt you. You're sensitive and that's pretty scary, I know." His words were pinching my brain. I didn't realize it was that obvious. "Zayn isn't much different. Right now he can only think about you. That's why I'm here, we wanted to know if you were okay. You might need a friend even when you swear you don't." I smiled a little. I didn't know Niall at all, but you could tell he has a gentle soul. Normally it would bother me that he followed me to this place, but right now it feels nice. I didn't really want to be alone after all. "Thank you.' I whisper. "I'm your friend, even if you don't know me. If you need someone I'm prepared to listen." Ihugged him in return. It has been a while since a guy actually treated me this nice. "How long have you been a showgirl?" "Not long,  a few years now. It wasn't really something I wanted to do, being looked at like I'm a pray to devour. But it was something to help me survive and it kinda stuck." I explained. Sometimes I'm ashamed of what I do, because I'm just an appetizer for the main cours behind the stage. We get the guys ready and the others do the real work, unless someone is sick and they specifically order you for high cash. Then you don't have a choice, it's do it or get fired. I'm Lucky enough to never have gone back there."Your voice is gorgeous." Niall blushed while trying to hide a smile. "Yours is not too bad itself." I winked, relieved that I actually can feel normal too. "Hey, let me take you out tonight, as friends ofcourse I don't want to rub anyone the wrong way. It's just, it might actually take your mind of all things shitty. I can even take you away from this town if you want? I don't know I just really want to help." He was babbling all over the place. He was nervous because he doesn't want to say something I would take the wrong way. "You know Niall, I'll take you up on that offer. It might do me good, a change of scenery." We hugged and he walked me home while we had small talk. "I'll see you in a few hours, Becca." I waved at him and went inside. I wonder how my evening is gonna turn out.

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