Pancake Booty

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Amber POV-

"Everybody just leave me alone! Leave me alone!" Cali screamed, went in her room and slammed the door.

"Cali." Stac got up to go to her door, but she had locked it.

"Cali Marie Labranch you open this door right now." Stac said.

"Stac just let her be." I told her.

"We need to get this info so we can put his ass underneath the jail."
She said getting worked up.

"I know. We'll get it. She just feels like everybody is ganging up on her." I tried to calm her down.

Callie was upset with everybody because she preferred to be silent as opposed to go forth. But evil prevails when good people remain silent and we were not allowing evil to prevail. We were going to not only speak but yell if we have too.

"I'm just so upset Amb. I could ahhhhhh...." She screamed. "He violated my baby. He violated my baby." She broke down. I got up and hugged her.

"I wanna kill him so bad. So bad." She said on my chest as she wiped her eyes.

"I know and trust me I do too. But I am going to do, everything. Every single thing I can do to make sure he gets under the jail."

The doorbell rang. I went to go get it. It was Quincy. Stac sat on the couch. Since Callie was being reluctant to answer Quincy could give me the info to get the ball rolling until
She was ready to open up.

"How y'all doing?" He said as I invited him in.

"Doing." I sighed. As I closed the door behind him.

"Well I want y'all to know I'm sorry about what happened to Cals and anything I can do, I'm there. That's why I'm here."

"We appreciate it baby. So have a seat so I can ask you some questions." I pointed to the couch.

"Here are the clothes." He handed me
The bag. "Sorry I didn't know you weren't supposed to wash them."

"It's okay. We'll figure it. I understand in situations like this most people don't know what to do." He sat on the couch next to Stac.

I sat in the chair facing them.

"So I need you to answer as honestly as possible and be as descriptive as possible." I told him.

"Yeah whatever you need." He said.

"About what time did Callie call you?"

He looked in his phone. "Uhh....2:17."

I took notes.

"And what did she say?"

"She was hysterical and was just like come get her."

"From where?"

"Walmart on Trenton. She told me she was in the bathroom."

"Okay so you went to pick her up?"

"yeah. I went to pick her up."

"And what did you see once you went?"

"Well I went in and her clothes were ripped. Blood was down her legs. It was just sad. My heart broke seeing her like that."

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