"Sorry I haven't visited in awhile." I frown. "I've just had a lot of....personal issues lately. With you being gone and all."
"The whole school treats you as if you're dead already and it sucks. People telling me that they're sorry for my loss because they already assume I'm going to lose you."
"I know it's not what you want to hear, but some kids are even making jokes about your coma and about you. I make sure they don't do it twice, though."
I stay quiet for a moment. "Tomorrow it will be one year since you've been here. Drug overdose-induced comas aren't supposed to last this long."
A/N: First of all, the next maybe 10 chapters will start being short like this. Secondly, I'm usually going to be skipping some months for the sake of plot development.

Everything I Could Never Tell You [l.t] -COMPLETED-
Fanfiction❝You don't remember me but I'm Louis. Your best friend.❞