A/N : I do not own Fairy Tail or any of it's characters.
Previously : (Jellal POV) I realized how close we were. Then I noticed we were curled up together and my arms were wrapped around her waist. We both met in the middle of the bed where our gap used to be. My cheeks grew to be a color that put Erza's scarlet hair to shame. I moved my arm that was on top but I couldn't move the other without waking her. I inched away slowly but she stirred and almost woke up anyways. I rolled over on my side, facing away from her, and closed my eyes. She settled back down and fell asleep again. I gently got up and walked out of the room quietly. When I got to a distance where I thought she couldn't hear me, I began making a treat for Erza.
(Erza POV)
I waited until Jellal left the room then rolled over. I woke up when he first tried to get up but I kept my eyes closed so he wouldn't know. I was glad my hair covered my face because it seemed like my cheeks matched its color. I sighed and laid there for a while, no moving. A sweet scent drifted into the room then I heard Jellal's footsteps coming near. Quickly, I returned to my state of fake sleep.
"Erza?" he whispered softly. I didn't respond. He nudged my shoulder gently. I opened one eye slowly to be greeted by his warm smile. It was a contagious smile that I returned. "Good morning," he said. "Good morning," I repeated. "I have something for you." After opening both eyes, I saw he was holding something behind his back. "You do?" I asked, sitting up. He nodded and showed me what he was hiding. His smile grew as he revealed a plate with a stack of strawberry pancakes. He handed the plate to me and laughed at my excitement.
The pancakes were delicious. I didn't know you know how to cook," I told him. "Well, when you live with Meredy, you have to learn some things. She's okay but last time she cooked for me, she accidently created a potion that turned me into a cat!" We both laughed and I tried to imagine Jellal as a cat.
Over the next few days, nothing new or big happened. I had just got back from a mission. Jellal was at my apartment but I had to go to the guild. I looked for Wendy because I hurt my ankle on the mission and wanted to make sure it wasn't serious. I couldn't find her but I saw Mira at the bar so I asked her if she's seen Wendy around. "You haven't heard yet?" she asked. She seemed upset. A lot of people in the guild were like that. "Heard what?" I asked.
Mira started walking toward the infirmary and gestured for me to follow her. We arrived and I saw Wendy in a bed with injuries similar to Juvia's. "When did this happen?" I asked. "Just last night..." Mira trailed off. I stepped closer to Wendy. She was pale and unconscious.
Mira returned to what she was doing before. Like Juvia, Wendy had a note tucked under one of her hair ribbons. I pulled it out, unfolded it, and read it. It just had an address and at he bottom, it said, "Come alone." I didn't need clues to know it was meant for me from Drew. "Erza?" a familiar voice called behind me. I turned around, stuffing the note in my pocket. Jellal was standing in the doorway.
"Oh, hey. What are you doing here?" I asked a little too fast. "You were gone for a while so I came to look for you. Mira told me you were here," he explained. "Oh," I said simply. Then he held up a basket and asked, "Picnic?" I was slightly cheered up and agreed.
We walked to a grassy spot in the park and sat down. It was growing dark but it was kind of nice because no one else was there. Jellal and I talked for a while then an awkward silence formed. Finally he said, "Um... I... I saw the note in the infirmary." I thought he might've seen it but I was hoping he didn't. "You read it?" I asked.
He nodded and said, "Please tell me you aren't planning to go." "What do you mean? I have to go. If I don't, he'll just keep hurting my family," I told him. "Erza, you can't. It's too dangerous," he argued. "I'm not Meredy. You don't get to tell me what I can and can't do because it seems dangerous to you!" I almost yelled at him. He didn't understand why I had to go. It's not like I wanted to go but it was the only way to get him to stop. "I'm just worried for yo-" he started but I cut him off by saying, "Save it for your fiancé!"
Neither of us said anything after that. I didn't mean to bring it up. I was just worried about everything that was going on and it slipped out. Without another word, I got up and started walking away. Jellal grabbed my arm and said, "Wait, Erza! Don't go." I jerked my arm away and kept walking, quickening my pace. He got up to follow me so I started to walk faster. My hurt ankle slipped on a rock and I fell down a steep hill. I heard a loud thump and felt a sharp pain in the back of my head. Then I blacked out.
(Jellal POV)
"Erza?! Erza, can you hear me?!" I asked her frantically. It was useless. She wasn't conscious, of course I wouldn't get a response. I got back to Fairy Tail as fast as I could while carrying Erza and trying not to hurt her. Once I stepped through the doors, Mirajane helped me get her into the infirmary. With Wendy out, she couldn't heal her.
I sat next to Erza, waiting for her to wake up. She had been unconscious for 3 days now. I watched her the whole time, only getting a couple hours of sleep. I was beginning to doze off when I heard her stir. I sat up and waited expectantly. She woke and sat up slowly. "Erza?" I asked. I only got a blank stare. I had no clue what to say so I said, "How are you feeling?" She just looked at me, confused. After a long silence, she said, "Who are you?" And my heart broke.

The Hidden Past
FanfictionThings at Fairy Tail had just settled down from the Grand Magic Games. However, just as things are starting to go back to normal, a certain scarlet haired mage gets a visit from a childhood friend. Jellal meets with Erza to warn her about a new thre...