Maya's P.O.V
I was out taking a stroll in the park, I saw all the snobs what are so called "mothers", looking at me. I went to rest near a tree, because caring two freakin' babies is harder then you think. I look up in the sky. It was a beautiful day, the sun glimming through the clouds, the birds tweeting in the trees. I could sit hear all day. I then felt a gush of water in my leggings. Oh fuck. "Help,help!" I screamed. Why did I think it was a good idea to not take my phone. I saw a family walk past me. I wasn't going to scream, of course I wasn't. I walk up to the lady, who I think is the mother. "Um... hi... I know this is strange but, may I please borrow your phone?" The women looked up at me she had the biggest smile on. "Sure here. By the way I am May," "hi May I am Maya," she smiled one last time. I dialed in Josh's number.
Josh- hey?
Maya- it is Maya. My water broke and it hurts. Now come get me I am at the park down the road. Okay, now hurry up!
I hung up and thanked the lady. I saw Josh pull up. He came running down the path. "Hello did you bring my phone?" I know, you're probably thinking wtf why she want her phone, well I want to tell my friends and my mom and soon to be mom-in-law. "Here," he handed me my phone. I logged in and went on group chat.
Maya- MY WATER BROKE! We are going to the hospital on Marrion Street. See you guys!
I looked up at Josh, he seemed mad. "Lets go home, grab my stuff and then go to the hospital. Okay?" Josh nodded.
We pulled into the park. Josh told me to wait her while he gets it.
I grab my phone, it was the group chat.Chloe- Okay
Mom- Yay!
Topanga(soon to be sister-in-law)- OMG! YAY!
Sara- can't
Maya- :(
Josh's mom- I am on my wayI don't really care that Sara isn't coming, I am kinda glad. Josh hops in the car placing the bag in the back.
We soon arrived at the hospital. Everything was a blur. Next thing I know I am woken by a soft baby cry. I flutter my eyes. "Maya. Leah, Lilly this is your mom." Josh said holding them in his arm. Lilly was crying, but Leah was quiet? "Well done, babe. You did it," "we did it," I corrected.