Chapter 20: Crab Cakes & Trees Flying By

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Dex's POV

The first thing that happened when Kyra opened the door, is that I got the satisfaction of seeing her stupid shocked face. I smirked and she then had a knife at my throat. A golden one. It's blade rested on my neck slightly, not yet being pushed down, but gold still burned.

"Holy crab cakes Kyra!" I shouted, hoping my dear sister or friends might help me out.

"Holy shit is that Dex?" Another voice came from inside the house. Looks like we had company. As my da--, Mr. Marwood wrestled Kyra off of me, I looked up to see Mae's two girlfriends from when she was living a normal life. Ah good times.

"The one and only." I said, quiet pleased that they got Kyra off of me. My neck still would have a red mark, but it'd heal fast enough. "Thanks for saving me from the crazy woman." I said, then kissed Skyler and Izzy's hands, in which they both blushed a deep red, "She needs help." I whispered.

"You need help you fluffin we--" Kyra was cut off by Mr. Marwood slapping his hand over her mouth.

"Good to know I was missed." I said, still smiling, "What brings you two to the lovely ladies to the Marwood house?" I asked Mae's friends.

"Dex who are you talking to?" A voice from outside the door called. I realized it was Mae and the door had gotten closed in our lovely argument.

"You'll have to see for yourself." I called then opened the door. Mae walked in closing the door behind her. She then scanned around the room. When Mae's eyes landed on her two friends she shoved past me and hugged them.

"Aww they're hugging!" I heard another voice say. Lily.

"Lily!" I shouted, and practically knocked over Kyra to hug her. Now I know I don't like being touched, but Lily was the exception.

"Hi Dex." She said, still in my arms.

"Where have you been? I was so worried, I thought June had you. Where are the others? Is the Pride safe? Wait, why are you here? I swear if the Order did--" I was cut off when her lips met my nose. Now it was my turn to blush.

"Shut up, stupid." She said.

"There are easier ways to do it than that." I said, still flustered.

"Are we interrupting something?" Izzy asked, looking at me and Lily. I let go of Lily and stood back coolly. Yes I was cool, except for the fact that she just kissed me. Sorta. "Am I just slow or does it seem like Dex has something to tell us?"

"Where have you been?" Skyler asked, obviously mad.

"The wilderness!" I said dramatically, "I've eaten deer raw and slept under the stars." It wasn't a lie. I did both of those things.

"So you can just walk back on here like everything is chill?" Izzy asked, glaring at me.

"No I cannot." I said, "I kissed your hand first, that counts for something." And more blushing. You know, I think this was the first time in a while since I had gotten to joke properly.

That's when I heard a voice loud and clear in my head. Yes, but why were you in the newspaper? I know your hiding something Dexter I know it was you. You are the Cat Beast. I just want the truth. It was Skyler. Every once in a while I could hear others thoughts.

"If I told you the truth Miss Skyler then you wouldn't like being mauled up and thrown in the street." I said, glaring. From her shocked expression I knew she wasn't expecting that.

"I need answers. You aren't careful enough. You cave me enough clues, now I want the confession." She sounded so sure. The others gazed at us, lost and confused.

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