(Jasmine's P.O.V)
Everyone was down at the pool including me. Justin asked the owner if we could have a couple hours to ourselves. So we have 3 hours at the pool alone. No fans or paparazzi.
I was tanning while the guys were playing football in the pool and the girls were playing tag with Austin or something in the pool.
I liked this pool cause it was a pool that gets deeper the further you get in. It went up to 10 feet.
"Jaz! Stop being a party pooper and get in" Ryan yelled
"To bad I'm tanning" I moved my hand in the air
Then I felt the sun go away. I moved my glasses up in my head and saw Chaz.
"What do you want" I sighed
"Get in the pool" He replied
"Nope" I said popping the 'p'
He picked me up bridal style and put me on my feet.
"Now get in the pool. We could do this the hard way or the easy way." He put his hands on his hips
I rolled my eyes "you and one army"
He started chasing me around the pool till Ryan grabbed me my the waist and spun he in Justin's arms.
Justin grabbed my waist and threw me in the pool. I splashed in the water and came out spitting water out if my mouth.
The girls and the girls were laughing and the guys were high-fiving. I glared at the boys.
They jumped in and swam I me.
"What's wrong babe" Justin grabbed my ass under water
But I pushed it away and crossed my arms "I'm not basketball"
"What's that supposed to mean" Chaz smirked
"You know when guys do that passing thing with the basketball and try to throw it in the hoop and they always make it" I explained
"That's what we were going for" Justin put his arm around my waist pulling me I front of him
His arms wrapped around my waist and his hot breath on my neck.
"But your as light as a basketball" Ryan chuckled
"Next joke" I put my hands over Justin's
"That wasn't a joke" Chaz smiled "anyways let's continue our game"
Ryan and Chaz swam away.
Justin kissed my neck and whispered in a low sexy voice "wanna play"
I turned around and kissed his cheek "sure, I guess. Do I have a choice"
"No come on" Justin said and let go of me "Pass the ball"
-20 minuets later-
The score was 20-16. Me and Justin had 20 and Chaz and Ryan had 16.
"I'm sorry but people are complaining you guys are gonna have to leave the pool or stay in with public." A man with a suit said
"Uh can you wait till we leave then they can come" Justin asked
He nodded and left.
I swam over to the ladder and climbed out and Justin slapped my butt.
"Damn girl you got a nice ass" He smirked
"Oh please" I grabbed my towel and sunglasses and out my hair in a ponytail
"You guys have everything before we leave" Austin asked
I nodded and everyone else replied with a 'yea' or 'yes'.
We got into the hotel and girls squealed and ran over to Justin, Ryan Chaz and Austin.
They signed things for like 5 minuets. Then they walked back to us.
"It's about time. We got bored just standing here" Melissa said
"No one said you had to wait" Ryan pressed the button
"Well we don't have the key" Angel said
We walked into the penthouse.
"I'm gonna take a shower" I said while going up the stairs
"Can I join" Justin smirked from downstairs
"Nope" I said popping the 'p'
I got into my room and in the bathroom. I took my bathing suit off and dropped them in the sink. I turned the shower in and got in felling the warmth of the water.
I sighed and started thinking about m future with the baby and Justin.
Hey! ugh. don't feel like going to stupid school tomorrow waking up from 6 in the morning!
Nighty, Night;)

What About Love (Justin Bieber and Austin Mahone)
FanfictionJasmine, an 18 year old girl who just graduated goes on a trip to Miami, Florida with her friends Logan, Chloe, Jacob, Angel, Melissa and Scarlet. One ordinary day she meets the guy of her dreams, her idol, the one she loves the most, the one and on...