Chapter: six
I woke up this morning looked around and it wasn't a dream Harry was grabbing my waste like we were spooning until I moved him without waking him up. "I had actually forgave him?" I whispered as I looked at him while he was sleeping. I thought it was a dream but this was real. He slept right next to me last night. I felt like I forgot everything but I remembered it all. As I got out of the bed I tried not to wake him up. I stood up and walked out of his room. Everyone was still sleeping so I went back into his room and tried waking him up "Harry! Harry! Wake up!" I said raising my voice a little. He moved and opened his eyes and looked at me with a huge smile and said "Good morning baby cakes!" "Good morning now can you wake up?" I asked. As he got up for some reason he was shirtless and pants less but he has boxers on witch was totally fine but was kinda strange "Harry where's your shirt and pants?" "Oh it got warm so I took them off!" He said will a curious smile "ok well put your pants back on!" I said demanding "my shirt too?" He asked "no! You can keep that off" I said as I winked at him.
I loved his tattoos even the pointless pirate ship one. He sat back on the bed and looked on his phone. As he was doing that I walked over to him and sat on his lap and said with a smile "what are you going to do today?" "I don't know (pause) probably nothing right now." He said in respond "oh ok well I will go home soon I don't want things to get to frisky" I suggested "No don't go you can spend the day with me we do have school soon so I want to spend every second with you that I have now till school!" "Awww that's so sweet! I want to spend it with you to!" I said blushing. He grabbed my hands and pulled me to him and gave me a huge hug and whispered in my ear "my girl" and got up and walked away to the bathroom. I got my turned around reached over the bed to get my iPad and check twitter and I had five notifications on twitter and it was from that bitch Brea tweeting about me how I am a "slutty desperate whore who pay guys to fake be her boyfriend!" I got so mad and sad at that point that I started to ball my eyes out. As I was crying I dropped my iPad then Harry walked in and said "Oh my god Ashley's what wrong babe?" He came up to me and picked up my iPad and read the tweet. He stopped as he was reading looked at me and gave me a hug as he was saying "She just jealous she can't have me because she's not the perfect for me (pause) you are!" I sniffled and stuck my face in his arm. "Why?why the fuck dose she want to start shit? I did nothing to her and I finally found someone I love and she can't stand it!" I said pissed off as I cried on his chest. He grabbed me tighter and wiped the tears of my face and said "Don't worry about her she's the whore not you whatever she says she is talking about herself and is afraid to admit it!". I got up and grabbed my things and started walking "wait babe where are you going?" He said concerned "home I can't hang today" I said crying "No please don't leave we can cuddle and I will make you feel better I don't want you to go home crying your eyes out please stay here!" He said as he grabbed my hand "I can't bye Harry I love you" then I whispered "I will always love you" and walked away and shut his door. He didn't see the rest of the tweets their was five and he read one. The rest of it she said "I can't believe everyone is believing that she really loves him she hates him only because he is my boyfriends bestfriend and she wants louis back and she's just using Harry to get to louis... How disrespectful I can't wait till I tell him!". The worst part is all of that isn't true and I know she wants Harry she wants everyone I get but I guess this time she is going to come back harder at me because she knows I really love him. I walked out of Harry's house and cross the street. I turned my head at his house to find harry watching me from his window.

My New Neighbor
FanfictionA boy named Harry Styes moves into a house with his mom in front of Ashley's house and she finds herself falling for him at first sight but when she finds out that his bestfriend is her ex that cheated on her she is stuck so she plans on keeping it...