• Mena •
after Popi and Herb made the shocking news that they having twins I had to take a couple shots for me and her cause if looks could kill Bibby would've killed both of them.
" I heard that correctly " Bibby asked
" yes you did " I said shaking my head
" since the fuck they been having sex " I mumbled
" Go drink your thoughts away bro don't think to hard " Gotti said handing me a cup
Later on that night
Popi was home she enjoyed herself tonight while I was drunk and in my feelings, thankful I can hold my liquor. I was outside with Herb , Bucks , Maneski , and Gotti they was talking about stuff I didn't care about . I'm still trying to progress the thought that my best friend is carrying twins by my old crush .
" it's getting late " Bucks said
" what that mean " I said
" mean it's time for you knuckle heads to go in the house " Herb said
" Herb you go home " Gotti said
I started crying out of no where Bibby and them started laughing
" yeah it's time cause your drunk " He said
" she do this every time she drunk " Gotti asked
" yeah " Maneski said laughing
" Bro take them home we gone meet you at my spot " Maneski said
" these y'all girls not mine " Herb said
" bro just do it " Bibby said
" I'm fine I could get home " I said walking away towards my house since I didn't live that far from where we was at .
" No you falling already "Herb said Putting my arm over his shoulder
" Gotti help " he said
" she'll be good " Gotti said
She think cause I'm drunk I'm not hearing anything or gone remember what she saying .
He basically carried me to my crib " you was a big help " he said
" Thanks help her to her room I'll hate to get throw up on me " Gotti said sitting on my couch
Herb sucked his teeth walking to my room . " Bitch could've stayed with Bucks you good " he asked sitting next to me
I nodded my head yeah .
It was an long period of silence before he spoke .
" Remember you was gone beat Gotti ass that day on The twins birthday " he said
I laughed " she talk to much "
" what she said was true " he asked
I looked at him for a while " yeah "
" that's crazy " he said
" crazy and in the past " I said with a straight face
" and congratulations on y'all bundles I better be god mommy " I said
" take that up with Popi " he said laughing
He kept talking and the liquor started kicking in again I guess I started crying again " aw I hate when your crybaby ass drink " he said hugging me
Ion know why I cry when I'm drunk it's just a bad habit I guess . He started talking about things gang did when we was shorties , all I could do was think about how in 8th grade how badly I wanted to kiss him . I looked at his lips then at him , I'll probably regret this but I couldn't help myself I kissed him and he kissed me back
" Mena I'm goi-
We parted from each other quickly
" it's not what it look like " I said
" of course it isn't " Gotti said
" G it wasn't ima get going " Herb said standing up and walking out my room
" Gotti don't tell anyone " I said
She smirked " I won't not even my best friend Popi " she said walking out my room
I heard my front door open and close I got up to go lock it . Then I went to take a hot shower .
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Sincerely Wugga & Tata
- Tata 💭