Chapter 18

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"This night isn't really turning out how I expected it would at all," she commented to herself, running an idle finger along a seam of her Polaroid's plastic body.

"Prey are so predictable in their habits."


The deep voice rumbled from a place bathed in the golden glow streaming through the ballroom's windows, lighting him up from behind and casting his face in subsequent shadow. Thanks to the color of the light reflecting on his fiery hair, the flames shifted to a strangely pale shade of blue-green. Camry started at Skulker's statement and spun to face him, her free palm aimed at his chest in a defensive pose while her occupied hand still gripped her camera protectively. 

"What, are you mad about me breaking up your fight?" she asked, internally mortified at how her voice had cracked at the start of her question. 

"No, that was Ember's doing," he sighed angrily. "She was attempting to make me jealous-- that isn't the point! You're cornered now, spirette, and I won't be leaving this party empty-handed."

She felt her stomach turn over at such a bold and threatening statement. "Th-That's what you think." 

He took a handful of steps forward, and she matched them by backing up. Her heels clicked against the cobblestones, all but echoing in the darkness. From inside the ballroom, a bout of high-pitched laughter drifted on the night air. 

"Care to make this interesting and run?" Skulker asked knowingly, as if he predicted exactly that would occur. 

That did it. Something jelly-like in Camry suddenly hardened, steaming with anger and indignation. She stopped backing up, choosing instead to stand firm with her chest puffed out and her fists at her sides. "Y'know what? I'm done running from you. You're a jerk, and I'm not gonna give you the satisfaction of seeing me afraid anymore."

"That's bold of you, especially when you don't have that whelp protecting you out here," he said, folding his strong arms over his metal chest. 

"You wanna try me?" she spat, anger making her eyes flash an even brighter red-orange than they already were. 

"I intend on retrieving you intact," Skulker stated coolly. He turned his attention to a panel on his forearm and tapped out a command, which caused a net launcher to appear over his shoulder. "Though it would be much more fun to capture a moving target, I do appreciate the ease you're giving me with standing so still."

'Come on, do it just like in class' Camry thought as she bent her knees and kept her arms in close to her torso. She paused to suck in a deep breath, then charged, closing the distance between herself and Skulker in the blink of an eye. Her strength gathered in her legs as she prepared to jump-- she had to, since she was so short compared to her attacker--, but when she actually launched into the air she severely underestimated her own strength; rather than catching a mildly surprised Skulker in the ribs, her roundhouse kick landed on his jaw and sent him careening into a rosebush, which crumpled with the sound of breaking branches under his all-metal body.

Camry reunited with the ground stunned at her own power and wondering where in the world that had come from. 'Am I stronger as a ghost? Oh man, no way!' 

"Thank god I'm wearing shorts under this dress," she laughed, then turned to her left a bit to see Skulker rising from the bushes. The glare on his face was an obvious indicator that she had really riled him up. 

"You don't wanna try me, Skulker," she added, putting both hands on her hips. "And I don't think you want to jeopardize your relationship with Ember, either."

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