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   There once was a separation between the land of the gods and Earth. The land that separated these two worlds was Angelorum, that is 'of angels' in Latin, they derived their name as part of the Latin phrase 'porta angelorum', or 'gate of angels'. This land was made by the gods to be sure that no human could reach the heavens, unless dead. So naturally Angelorum would have god attributions only, but they were so close to Earth that they took up emotions, one particularly troublesome emotion was passion and lust.

   The people of Angelorum, the Angelites, became interested in the humans, rather than their own kind, the humans were always interested in the Angelites mainly because of their enhanced beauty and most Angelites possessed great kindness and sympathy. Both began to bed one another which resulted in children who took after the humans in their normality of power, but had some of the Angelite's beauty, though they weren't nearly as beautiful. But there were some Angelites who found it a careless mistake to develop any romantic feelings toward humans because then feelings may get in the way of their duty as separators.

   There was a king and queen Angelite who must be full blood and must have full blood children, during the time of these affairs, the present king, Bellator, and his queen, Amare, realized that their kind and the humans were getting out of hand and that a mistake would be made soon, they closed their world off from the humans, forbidding their kind to see the humans. There was an uproar at first and Bellator and Amare had to be put under security, but bit by bit the citizens realized that they had gone to far and understood the king's reasoning. Good news came about and Angelorum found out that their queen was pregnant and was going to have a little baby girl, but the humans also had a king and queen, Anguis and Tenebrae, they weren't human, they were two children of Angelites, having no family they were furious at their parents for their abandonment, because while they got their parents looks, they didn't get their parents kindness. Anguis and Tenebrae had a child already, their own little boy of two, Damon.

   Angelorum was rejoicing, the girl had been born, and a beautiful name was chosen, Ariela. Ariela was born exactly two days before all the good ended in Angelorum. The half breeds were waging war and their intent was to kill the royal family. They came into Angelorum at night, slipping past the dead guards on the west wing, they entered the kingdom and were immediately spotted by the citizens, men rushed for their swords, women went to hide with their children in the cellars. The kings on both sides were left to battle one another at Belletor's castle while the queens slipped away to get their children to safety.

   Amare swiftly took sweet Ariela in her arms and ran toward the ocean, she had prepared a carriage on the shore for Ariela had there ever been an emergency and so once she came to the sandy shore that had once held so many happy memories and she tucked an envelope with the name of her beloved child and  a letter that told of the love her parents had for her and the depression that ate at their hearts once she was no longer theirs. She knew that she shouldn't let her daughter know that she had anything close to a parent at a time, but she couldn't give her daughter the miserable feeling of being unwanted, so she gave her the locket that was clasped around her neck, it had a picture of her, Ariela, and Bellator and on the other side it had the words "nullus timor, solus amor" or "No fear, only love." She hurriedly clasped it around her child's neck and kissed her one last time on her feather light rosy lips, bidding her farewell and she set her daughter down in the carriage, then she touched the horses and watched as her only child vanished into the swirling mist and was carried off to another land, another life. A single tear swept down her cheek as she waved her last good bye and hurried toward her distressed city.

   On the other hand, Tenebrae was running toward the ocean shore with her two year old bouncing on her hip with distressed tears staining his cheeks. 

    "It's alright my love." She whispered and made it to the shore.

   There waiting was a horse that had a friend of the king on it who was completely oblivious to what was going on around him, mainly because of a spell cast upon him to make him forget the night, she handed her son to the man and made a quick good bye to her son, telling the man only that he would raise the son as his own and that her son would only keep his name. Then she sent them on their way and only cast one glance back when she uttered "Confortentur diligetur." or "Be strong, be loved." and with that she kept running towards the sound of death.

   Both queens arrived just in time to see both of their loves have life fade out of their eyes and they looked at one another, decision set in their minds. They each drew their husband's dagger and looked at one another square in the face.

   "Nullus timor, solus amor." Amare said firmly.

   "Mortem dies, nox mortis." Voiced Tenebrae, or "The death of day, the death of night."

   And with these last words there was the death of night; as Amare plunged the sword with the blood of the king of darkness into her own heart and her sword touched the hearts of all the half breeds and all of their soul's darkness got turned to stone, and the half breeds were dead, except for one, protected by the words "Be strong, be loved." And next there was the death of day; as Tenebrae plunged the bloody dagger of her husband's, that had the blood of the sun king on it, into her heart and all of the souls lit by the gods, all the Angelights fell to the soft Earth, all their hearts ceased beating, all their souls seized shining, except for one, protected by a locket.

   And that was the end, at least as far as anyone living knows, but two mothers who loved their children so much as to kill themselves in order to rescue their children, they know, they know that this is the end of one war but will it spark some thing similar to war. After all, there isn't much difference between love and war.

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