She loves me doesn't she?

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*Elena's car BMW i8*
I walk out of the auditorium and head to the library. I don't go to the library very often but I know it will take time for anyone who knows me to find me here.I sit down at a table in the corner of the room , take out my sketch book and start sketching to pass the time.

Once the bell rings I proceed to my next class.I see Tia waving at me but I pretend like I didn't see her and walk into my class.Don't get me wrong , I am not angry with her I just feel that if she told me to stay away from Daniel she should've told me the reason and the back story too but then again it isn't my business, so I just need time to clear my mind because just in case I face her right now I might question her about not telling me about their past.

Just as I am about to take a seat Mr.Parker comes up to my table and says , "Sorry Ms.Carter but you have to move back to your original seat as I had forgotten you still have to submit a project with your partner."
"No problem I'll move back to ny seat." I say moving back to my original seat and my annoying partner.
"Came back here eh." Daniel taunts.
I turn towards him and he winks at me . I see Gabriel looking at us , I give him a sad smile , he returns it with a smile of his own and a nod.Daniel follows my eyes and turns to look at Gabriel , then rolls his eyes and turns to the board.

The lesson goes by painfully slow.
"Okay class remember the assignment I gave you a couple of days back ? I want it to be completed and placed on my table tomorrow during my first lesson with you. " Saying so Mr.Parker walks out of the class as the bell rings.

I pick up my bag and reach the door when Daniel stands in front of me to block my way and says , "What no more nagging to complete the project together ?" He asks.
"I'll do it and write your name on it." I say walking away.

While we are walking to the cafeteria Gabriel asks , " I hope you are aware that this project is really difficuilt and takes up a lot of time ? "
" Yeah I know.But it's easier to do the project alone than having to deal with him."

We hear a third voice in our conversation "She loves me , doesn't she" Daniel says patting my head . I swat away his hand glare at him and keep walking.

I sit down at the table to find Tia not present with us during lunch. "Where's Tia ?" I ask. "I thought you are mad at me." a voice says from behind me . I turn to look at Tia .
"No I am not mad.Sorry if I made it seem that way.I just needed to clear my mind." I say
She hugs me and takes a seat next to me.
"Sorry for not telling you the whole story. I am not very comfortable talking about it .It's just too many memories I'd not want to recall." She apologizes.
"No problem I understand . You can tell me when you are okay with it. " I reply smiling and she nods cheerfully .

As we all are chatting and eating up a chair to my right is pulled back and everyone turns towards the person sitting next to me in shock.Infact everyone in the cafeteria automatically becomes silent.
I turn my head to see a girl dressed in a really low cut top and short skirt sitting next to me.

"Hi I am Stella."she says still looking at her hand nails but intending it towards me .
I do not reply but turn back to my food.
"I think I just said hi" she says tapping my shoulder twice.
"Oh I thought you were exchanging greetings with your nails." On my reply Adam laughs loudly while the girls giggle.
She slams her hand on the table to get my attention and whispers lowly ," Listen whore stay away Daniel, he's mine."
"You are too scared to even talk to him though " Adam comments before I can speak.
"Don't get in my way.I can ruin you." She says pointing at me.
I stand up letting my chair scrap across the floor and looking up sky or in my case ceiling I say," I don't know how many times do I have to tell them that I am not afraid of them."
I look down at Stella take a smile at her and look around the cafeteria to see everyone looking at us. When I spot Daniel and the boys I yell," Hey Daniel your whore lost her way and ended up here.Please take care of her. "
I wave at Stella and walk out of the cafeteria .

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The rest of the day passes by with me having to hear comments from Daniel and getting glares from Stella.If glares could kill...

On reaching home I took a short nap and then started working on the project.
When I finally completed the project it was already time to get ready for school so I pack my bag and have two bowls of cheerios for breakfast. Hey ! In my defence I hadn't eating anything since the coffee I drank on returning home from school.

I change into the outfit I picked last night and leave my hair down in it's original wavy texture too lazy to style it

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I change into the outfit I picked last night and leave my hair down in it's original wavy texture too lazy to style it .

I pull into the parking lot to find Stella glaring at me yet again . Sighing I get out of my car . I see her walk towards me followed by her minions but I hold my hand in the air telling her to stop , then turn and walk away not wanting to deal with any sort of bullshit.
The lack of sleep has given me a massive headache and the fact that I have migraine further adds to it.
I head directly to the classroom instead of chatting like I usually do.
I place my head on the table and close my eyes for sometime until Daniel decides it's fine to annoy me.
He keeps tapping my shoulder till I raise my head and look at him
"You sleeping ? " he questions.I give him a glare.
"You look pale.Are you okay?"Noah says.
"Yeah I am fine."
He nods at me and moves to his seat.

"Alright everyone hand over your project reports." I get up and hand our project to Mr.Parker .
It becomes very difficult for me to concentrate in class thanks to the headache.

During lunch I lean on Tia's shoulder and keep my eyes closed.
The problem arises in Physical Education class as today we have to play dodgeball. No actually the problem arises when I lose focus for a few seconds and Stella hits me on the head.I fall to the floor and my arm starts bleeding from the scratches.

Taking the permission from the coach I walk to the infirmatory with a pounding head and bleeding arm.
She cleans up the wounds and ties a bandage around my hand.
Mrs.Mathews being a kind lady doesn't allow me to lie down for a while instead tells me to endure the headache till school ends.
I take a seat on one of the plastic chairs , place my head on my hands and close my eyes shut .
I look up when I feel a tap on my head . "Oh it's you." He says.
I look down and close my eyes again not uttering a single word as an answer to Chris' question.
"Hey are you okay?" He asks.
I mumble a yes.
"You don't look fine though." He states.
Just then Daniel and Noah walk into the room.I don't get why they always stick together . I mean I know they are friends but if you find one of em it's obvious the rest of em are somewhere close by .

"Hey what happened?" Noah asks kneeling down by my side.
"I have a headache."
"Why don't you lie down then."
"I can't Mrs.Mathews thinks it's just an excuse. " I say sighing.

They remain silent for a while .
Daniel speaks ," let's get you home then ."
I look up at him .
" How will I get a pass to skip the rest of the classes?" I speak slowly.
"We'll take care of that "Chris says.
"Yeah Dan you take her home." Noah confirms.
"Why me ?" Daniel whines.
"Just go leave her home . She doesn't look like she can drive."
"Alright let us get you home."

Let me tell you one thing letting Daniel drive is like willingly giving up your life .
He is a reckless driver.If my head wasn't aching I would have killed him from driving my car like that but the truth is that I can barely stand up.
Daniel holds my hand giving me support while I open the door to my house.

On entering the house I somehow walk to the kitchen and grab a bottle of water.
"Umm , do you have medicines or something that you can take for the headache?"
"Oh yeah it's in the cabinet above the refrigerator in a box labelled as 'headache meds'."
"Alright you sit down here . I'll go find it for you. "I helps me sit on a chair and brings me the medicine box.
I pick out the blue , yellow and red color pills and gulp it down with water .
" It's best if you get some rest now.Come I'll help you up to your room."
I nod and he leads me to the stairs but stops me before I can climb the first step.
"Wait a minute." He says and sweeps me off from my feet to carry me upstairs bridal style.
"Daniel I can walk" I say closing my eyes shut .
"Stop complaining " he whispers softly.
He helps me lay down and puts the cover over me.
"Why do you have so many medicines for headache ."
"Migraine" I answer.
"Oh alright, get some sleep.I'll lock the door and leave."he says .
He takes my phone from the nightstand and types away in it .
" Here's my number , call me if you need anything. I have something important to do right now so I'll come back later to give you the keys."
I nod.
As he is about to close the door I mumble a soft ' thank-you ' and close my eyes shut.

Hey this chapter is complete.
I feel like everyday in Elena's life is oh so eventful .

One observation that I have made is that when you write a story sometimes the way you describe the characters, their feelings and their way of dealing with different situations is something which is written through the author's personal experiences.
And as for the male lead in the story , I think we describe him by the characteristics of people who we've met or we want to meet.

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