WHOA THERE, GUYS, IT'S THE BIG TEN-OH. Yes, we've reached Chapter Ten. ;D All because of you guys who give me so much positive feedback, there's no way in HELL I could stop writing(: Thanks to all my fans, everyone who's messaged, commented, all of you! <3 The third date will be amazingly fun(; ALSO! I need some important feedback from you guys! When this story is over, should I write a creepy little short story, or should I write another fan-fiction? I personally love both, and was planning on doing both, but I want to know what you think!(: If I did a fan-fiction, I was thinking it'd be about Alex Pettyfer, (google him, he's sexy,) because he's got that player, sexy boy vibe and I was thinking I could play with it a little(; So rate, comment, vote, message, and love you all! <3 -Parisa(;
"Holy shit, Lu," I sighed in awe, doing a few minor calculations for work, relaxing on the couch in front of the muted TV Tuesday evening. "I had no idea he's been through so much. It makes my life look good." Now I understood why he bit back a smile and laughed not as frequently as he should.
I could picture her nodding. Even though she couldn't exactly relate, (having lived with both parents all her life, up until a while back, when Luna moved out and they, wanting peace and security, moved to a quieter town nearby), she'd known and witnessed most details of my life.
"Isn't it sad?" she sympathized.
"It really is. But at least he's happier now."
"Did you read up on how he nearly died like three years ago?"
My brows knotted and my stomach turned inside of me. Just thinking about the whole situation, picturing him so depressed he was pushed to his breaking point, upset me. "Yeah, I did. I'm so glad he made it." I paused, unwilling to linger long on the downing subject. "And I can't wait to meet his daughters."
"He's really protective of them, Dri. You might not be able to," she warned.
"Aw," I groaned disappointedly. "I wanted to meet them."
"Well obviously," Luna snorted. "One of them was co-created with his jizz. Speaking of jizz, how far have you gone?"
"Um, what?" I squeaked, my voice cracking in shock.
"Don't play dumb," she giggled, tone sing-songy. "What've you done?"
"Um, like nothing. I would have told you if anything had happened."
"Not even a quickie?" she gasped playfully.
"Like not even a kiss."
"I think he's just shy. Pucker up and grab his dick. Best of both worlds."
I laughed. "No, just no. Let's see how our date tomorrow goes, and then we can discuss when would be an appropriate time for a teeny weeny kiss."
"Oh yeah, the date. Where's he taking you?"
"I don't know. He said it was a secret."
"Hmmm...to his bed?" she plotted naughtily.
"Would you shut up with your horny shenanigans?" I smirked. "Be serious."
"I was! I don't know, fancy dinner?"
"I guess I'll find out tomorrow...but I'm just glad we're spending time together again."
"D'aw, you little lovebird," she tittered as I had predicted. I heard rustling and the odd sound of cloth over the speaker. "I have to go take a shower, but I'll hit you up when I'm back."
"Okay. Talk to you soon."
"Yeah, bye Dri."
Eminem's POV:
"Hello?" I greeted the person on the other side of the phone, a smile cracking at the sides of my lips, waiting for his familiar gruff voice.
"Yo, Marshall."
"Hey, Dre. What's up, man?" The last time me and my producer, also the man who discovered me and saved me and my family from a doomed life of poverty, spoke was about a week ago, and we hadn't spoken since then because of how busy he was collaborating with other upcoming artists. I could see him mentally, sitting in the studio, toying with a few dials, getting a dope ass beat, and sipping some Hennessy.
"Same old, dawg. Hey listen, Em, I saw some shit about you in the news a couple or so days ago."
"What shit?" I asked absently, worried that another beef had been started with another rapper.
"Some shit about you and this chick out together. On a date or something."
"Oh. Yeah, that."
"Who is she? And what were you doin'?"
"She's this girl." I didn't refer to Adrienne as "chick", because it reminded me too much of "bitch". "We were on a date."
"Damn, mackin'? You never mack."
"Nah, I think it's more than that."
"Whatchu mean?"
"She's just someone special."
"So you like this chick?"
"Just curious man. You know I got yo' back. She's nice-lookin' though. White girl."
I chuckled. "Finest damn white girl I've ever seen."
"Oh shit, Em." Dre laughed on his end. "You're mackin' hard, nigga."
"Nah, Dre, not mackin'." I stopped and swallowed hard. "More like falling."
"You're falling for her? Damn..."
"What's her name?"
"Does she like you back?"
"Shit, I hope so."
"Don't trip, just go with it. See what happens. And best of luck, Em."
"Thanks dawg."
"Damn right. Love you, man. I'mma hit you up later, I need some of your vibe on 50's new shit."
"Aight, Dre. Love you too."
We both hung up and I glanced at the clock. It was 11:34. I should get to bed; tomorrow was going to be incredible.
He chuckled, gazing at me, examining me from head to toe.
"I'm going to go change," I said meekly, shrugging my shoulders in regret as I watched the unreadable expression on his face. The tight medium wash skinny jeans I'd worn with my black flats and red cardigan over a white cami seemed too casual for me, especially since I was a heel kind of girl.
"Hell no, you look good." His eyes were fixed on my shoes after he'd fully looked over me. "Don't you own some Nikes?"
"No, I'm a girl," I laughed. "I'll be right back." I started to move away but he protested.
"No, don't go change."
"I wasn't, I was going to grab a purse."
"You won't need a purse."