Jerks, dreams and really weird deities.

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Aaaaaahh, nononononoNOOO!!!!!! A random stranger seeing me with a book called Princess Tutu, even my sister shuts me out whenever I mention the name, this is embarrassing! Should I explain myself? Wait, I don't know this person! I don't owe him any explanation!! But standing awkwardly is pointless, let's just apologise and ask him nicely...

  "Um..." I tapped his shoulder, he looked away from the book and down at me.

Ah, I feel so short now.

"Sorry for bumping into you, but please could I have that back?"

He blinked once. Then without a word handed it back. A gratefully took a hold of it.  Ah, thank goodness he didn't ask. I looked back at him to thank him, but much to my surprise, his tired look was gone. In exchange, was a sardonic sneer. My mood soured instantly, is this guy mocking me?!

"What?" I scowled, dragging the manga out of his hands.

"Hmm? Nothing, nothing at all." He finally spoke, and his voice was deeper than I expected, reminding me that even if the slightly sing - song manner he'd said that still annoyed me, I'm still a skinny noodle who he'd probably be able to defeat by sitting on. Yeah, I'm not ready for such an awkward hypothetical defeat. So I hummed and gave him a tight-lipped smile, then was about to walk away back to the counter. But...

"'Princess Tutu'? Pfft!!!!"

You know what, fuck it! I'll just bite him if I get sat on!!

"Yes!" I spat." Princess Tutu! Contrary to whatever thoughts you have on the name,  it's a really good story! Haven't you ever heard of not judging a book by its cover?"

"A story of a duck turned girl who saves the world with the power of ballet, how thought provoking."

"Don't oversimplify it! Anything can sound bad if you oversimply it!"

"But is it really that easy to make the target audience seem like 6 year olds?"

Aaaaaahh!!!! This guy is just...!?!!!!! The blood's starting to rush to my head! If I was as fair as him my cheeks would probably be burning in anger!

"Whatever! Think what you want, that's just your opinion."
Once more. I tried once more to walk out of this. He's a real life troll, I can't continue to let him lead me by the nose and bait me. Don't feed to troll. DON'T feed the tro-

"Whatever you say weeb [1]"

Ah. My berserk button.

"I'M NOT A WEABOO!" I found my hands on his collar, dragging him down to my own eye level " DON'T CALL ME STUFF YOU DON'T KNOW THE CORRECT MEANING TO YOU EDGY PRICK! I'M AN OTAKU!! O-TA-KU!!!!!!!!!"

"Is there a problem?"

K's voice suddenly appeared behind me and I loosened my grip in surprise. The jerks used the opportunity to shrug me off and even had the gall to dust his shirt!

   "Absolutely nothing miss. I've gotten what I came for, so I  think I'll take my leave." He walked past me and headed out. K grabbed him by the shoulder and whispered something to him, he simply replied with a nod before he continued leaving.

Seriously, the nerve of that guy. I can't believe I let him rile me up like that, how annoying. There's nothing wrong with liking...wait.

Wait a gosh darn second.

He said 'the story of a duck turned girl'...That's the anime's storyline not the manga! There Ahiru's a girl from the start, even if he hasn't watched it he's at least intimate with the series a bit, that fucking hypocrite!!!


"I hate you! Ass hole!! Hypocrite!!! May Anubis' furry head haunt your dreams!! I hope you step on a leggo!!!!" He was long gone but I still screamed obscenities at him. K didn't attempt to stop me, she just smirked.

"What'd he do exactly?" She queried.

"Called me a freaking weeb," I spat through clenched teeth. "No one uses words correctly anymore."

"Ah." She rubbed my hair, effectively tangling it, but it helped the steam to leave my ears.

"I'd prefer you don't shout or get into arguments in my dad's store next time though."

"Yes ma'am." I responded meekly, now somewhat embarrassed with the scene I caused in spite of the near emptiness of the store. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine, as long as you get the message." Her smirk softened to a full blown smile. "Now if that's all your getting you should hurry up and pay for it." She slowly walked back to her duty post.

"Before your family gets worried"

" 'kay K."

She smacked me upside the head for the pun, but I felt calmer now.

Until I got back home and nd had time to let the situation stew within me.

"Wow, that guy's an ass. My sister commented after my narration of the days events. We were both getting ready for bed, and I'd decidedto leave the incident a secret from my mum.
"You should have just walked away though. He could have been someone dangerous."

"I KNOW! I know he could have been a thief or whatever, but he just made me so mad!!"

"Yeah, well if you had woken up spirited away to a warehouse in the middle of nowhere, I don't think that excuse would make things better."

I sulked. She was right. It's usually difficult to make me angry, but he knew all the right buttons to press and I took the bait. I knew that it was stupid, and that I had been stupid. But eh, what's done is done.

I crashed face first on the bed and curled up. Man, all of this is making me exhausted now.



  "Hmm..." the sleepiness hit immediately. Odd, I'm sure I wasn't this tired before. But eh. Sleep time.

I drifted off. Ah, I feel so light and relaxed now. All the irritation washing out off me, sleep is a good medicine as laughter, absolutely!  Like the  feeling of floating. Just going up and up and down and down and...cold.

Why is the bed cold and hard now.

I cracked open an eyelid.

Ah. This is the floor. There's no pain so I'm sure I wasn't pushed off. But wait. This isn't my room.

  I propped myself on an arm and looked around. A large room. With one set of big doors at the end. Surrounding me where books stacked upon each other. I recognised some of their spines, they were manga.

" I disassociating? Is this what disassociating feels like? Or is this a really lucid dream?" I rubbed my eyes tiredly and a yawn escaped me. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder and froze.


I impulsively turned and smacked the owner of the hand with my elbow, before quickly backing up to the nearest wall to put some distance between us.

Aaaahhhh!!!!! Who is this? Who the heck is this?!!!!

I stared at the guy. Late teens. Rough blond hair. Very much unfamiliar. He slowly sat up, holding his hands to the bruise I gave him. A hurt and confused look formed on his face.

"OW!?!!!! What the hell was that for?!!!"

"'Where am I?! Who are you!?!!" I retorted, sliding along the wall to put more distance between us.

"Aaalaan!" He moaned, ignoring my question and looking past me."You said she wouldn't get violent if it wasn't you!!"

"No I didn't. Besides, I'm fairly certain it wouldn't have stopped at just one hit if it was me."

That voice. This irritation I feel in my soul.

"You." I hissed, turning to face towards the Alan, who had emerged from behind a couch a little further from where I was in the room.

"Hey there." He said, giving me a closed eye smile, "nice to see you again."

"So you are a kidnapper!?!" I put both my palms over my eyes and wailed "Aaahh...sis was right. I should have just walked away!! What do I do now? I don't want to dieeeeeee-"

" Please shut up." He curtly cut my wailing. Rude. "One, I'm not a kidnapper. And two, I personally don't want you here, she does."

He motioned his hand towards to giant doors. As if on cue, they doors slowly opened to reveal a pretty smiling young woman and she was cosplaying as...


"Greetings!" She said, opening her arms, her smile going even wider,"I'm Eunice, a deity of imagination, and today, you are the specially chosen human who will serve as the living OC in my ultimate fanfiction!"



So, like I said in my other story I'm not dead. I've been on haitus for a long time due to final exams and I just recently graduated from secondary school, but I'm back now and I'll try to be regular for the few readers I have.

As for this chapter watd'ya think? I guess it was pretty obvious that there was something fishy about Alan, but I guess you didn't see the whole 'Eunice, the cosplaying deity thing coming'. I had to rewrite this chapter a couple times because my editor Marie-Bernarde and our friend fangirlz101 explained to me that her previous reactions were beyond weak and unbelievable (their one of my closest friends, believe it or not) but I'm satisfied with the end result I hope you are too.

Edit - this edited chapter is majorly different from the original, but it was the one I had the most gripes with so I hope you all don't mind the changes.

Finally, the picture on top is Alan.

[1] weeaboo - a person obsessed with Japanese culture or a part it, who ends up disrespecting the culture while also denouncing their own. Like otaku it has being coined in the west to refer to anime fans but it has strictly negative connotations behind it.

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