I enter the school auditorium and look around for Sommer. I feel bad for leaving her alone for the past couple days but she insisted she was fine hanging with Caleb and Maria until I got better. I never told her about my confrontation with Harry nor what I saw that day across the street. Something inside me told me that it would be safer if I just never spoke about it again.
After about two minutes of looking around the stands like an idiot, I saw Sommer stand and wave so I headed towards her. She was sitting towards the back with a few other friends so I had to dodge quite a few people before I got to them.
I sat on the left of Sommer which was the last seat next to the stairs.
"Hey Nat are you feeling any better?" Sommer leaned over and kissed my cheek as our usual greeting and leaned back, waiting for an answer.
"Honestly? I could have gone one more day staying in bed doing nothing. What is this all about anyways?" I opened my arms wide regarding the large sum of student body that was quickly filling the hall.
"Do you know Jackson Lithermoore? Cute but shy. Played one of the less known positions on the school team?"
"No. I haven't even heard that name before Sommer. Did you just make it up?" I raised an eyebrow at her.
"No. I swear he was an actual student here. You'll see. Anyways, I don't know what it is about exactly but I know it involves him."
"Ooookkkaaaaay then." I rest my head on Sommer's shoulder wondering why we are having an assembly regarding a student that I didn't even know about.
"Quiet everybody. Alright listen. Now that I have most of your attention I am going to get right to the point of this assembly. I have called everybody here today because – Mr Styles. Glad to see that you and your friends are on time." The principal was cut off by Harry letting the door slam as he walked in.
My eyes were drawn to him instantly. I watched every step he took with his trade mark jean glad legs. I saw him look around for available seats and tap his friends on the chest when he found one.
It took me a couple moments to realise that the seats available were across the aisle from me. I saw Harry was smirking when I looked back at him though I am not sure why.
"As I was saying. Many of you may have realised that a student has been missing from classes and the neighbourhood long enough to be suspicious now. Well I am sad to announce that he has been found dead out in the bushes that surround the borders..." I tuned out of the Principals talk when he mentioned the location of the body.
I thought back to the images that I had received from Harry and realised that the body was also placed in a shallow grave – located in the woods.
I take in a breath that gets the attention of a few people, but the only attention I want to gain is that of Harry's. He chose to sit on the end seat also of his row so we were only a metre apart. I turned to look at him only so see him smirking.
His friend on his left looked over and I quickly gave my attention back to the police officers that are now talking out the front of the room.
"We are unclear of the motive for such a brutal murder nor do we have any suspects at this moment. So, we want to encourage all of you to be careful when wandering the streets, especially after dark, for the next few weeks whilst this person is on the loose so please don't go anywhere unaccompanied. If you have any leads, or something that you believe may aid in the investigation, please speak up now. If you are worried about the consequences of speaking up in the group, please feel free to contact any of the force members directly and you will be left anonymous." The constable out the front looked around the room to see if anyone was going to say anything now.
On instinct I turn to Harry to see him raise his pointer up to his lips and rest it there in a 'be quiet' signal. He then turned to me and smirked. I saw the room start to spin and felt like I was about to pass out when we were dismissed. I quickly gathered my bag and ran down the stairs, ignoring Sommer's calls to wait.
I heard Harry laugh when I stood from my seat and saw him move. That only made me run faster out of the hall. I had so many thoughts in my head. So many were based around Harry. Why did he kill that? What did the guy do? Am I going to be next because I know who did it?
I was running down the corridor when I heard heavy footsteps behind me. I was too afraid to look back, scared of who was chasing me. The stomping of the person behind me got louder, signalling that they were getting closer. I pushed myself to go faster, to get to the exit and hope that it isn't locked.
I was two corridors away from my designated door and my legs were on fire. My lungs were struggling to get any air in them at all. I turned the last corner and had the door in my sights. I felt a presence behind me and now knew that the person chasing me was right behind me. If I was to fall over now I would be at the mercy of the person chasing me.
I heard something drop but didn't dare myself to turn and see what it was. I was meters from the door now and placed my hands out so I can get it open without wasting too much time.
I reached the bar to open the door and had to hold in my excitement when I felt the bar go down signalling that it wasn't locked. But that excitement was short lived as just as I pushed the door a few centimetres open it was harshly pulled shut behind me by two big hands glad in tattoos.
My body was shoved harshly against the door with a large body pushed right up against my back...

Blood Will Tell || Harry Styles
FanfictionPrologue I know I shouldn't be interested in him but I can't help it. He is wrong for me; he is he 'Bad Boy' that your parents warn you about. I can't help but wonder if this facade of his - being the Bad Boy that everybody is afraid of is fake. I...