Story 1 - Kiss

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I was walking as fast as I could, without looking suspicious.

If those goons caught me, I might as well kiss my life goodbye.

I thanked God, that the market street was so crowded, that it could be so easy to get lost in it.

Suddenly someone pulled my hand. My heart almost stopped.

"Hey.. Do you remember me ?" said the woman with a bright smile.

I remembered her fine. I used to hang around with her boyfriend during college. And I was in love with her.

"Er.. Hi.. Yeah.. How are you? It's great to see you. You look .. Great.", and she was.

"Is everything alright?" she asked slightly confused.

I kept looking back to see if any of the goons were nearby. I wanted to run away, but this was the only woman I ever loved, whom I thought I'd never get the chance to meet again.

"I... Yeah.. Everything is fine."

"You look awful." she said.

"I know. It's the snow."

I looked around again, no sign of the goons yet.

For a second , I thought I should just grab her arms and keep moving, but I knew that was horrible idea. If any of the goons saw her with me, it'd be the end of her life and probably mine too.

So I did the only thing I could. I kissed her. Whether she wanted to kiss me back or hit me, i couldn't tell. She was too shocked to react.

Before she could say anything , I said "I love you. I always have. It really is great to see you." and I walked away from her as fast I could.

I had no reason to wait for an answer. I couldn't bear to hear her say no. Which was why I never confessed in the first place.

Had it been a yes, it would've been even worse. I would have had to leave her knowing she loved me.

I didn't turn to look back till I left the area.


"And you never saw her again ?" asked my grand-daughter.


"You were lucky she didn't kick you in the shin & call for the police." she said.

"I guess, She must've thought you were mad."

I laughed hard. "Now that you mention it, yes, that's what she must've thought"


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