05 | желание

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Gotta tell ya, Far From Home is great and everything. This new version of MJ really grew on me in the sequel. But it still doesn't hold a candle to Into the Spider-Verse—the animation in that one is just mind-blowing. Anyone of you watched Into the Spider-Verse? What did you think?

x Noelle


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SILENCE REIGNED FOR about three seconds, before Bucky disappeared into the study. Moments later, he emerged with his jeans hanging low on his hips. He tossed the towel into the hamper and pulled on a shirt, then his jacket.

"Wait!" She blinked when he came out from the kitchen with several knives in hand. "What're you doing?"

"Leaving," Bucky's answer was short and clipped. He chucked the knives on the coffee table, before picking her up by the waist and moving her aside as though she weighed nothing at all. Her eyes widened when he flipped up the cushion on the couch and pulled out a gun, along with a box of bullets.

"Was that in there the whole time?" The thought of having sat on a gun all this time frightened her a little. She glanced around and wondered if there were any other ammunition in the house. Surely, Sam and Steve would've told her earlier. This was probably all Bucky's doing. "Where're you going?"


"Yes, but why?"

"He's coming for me." Bucky slotted several knives into his bag, then pulled the hood of his jacket over his head. "He knows how to mess with my head. And I don't want to be around you when that happens."

"He doesn't know you're here. You're safe."

"But you're not when you're around me."

Before she could register his words, Bucky leaned forward, catching her entirely by surprise when he slid his palm across her cheek, tilting her head up so that she was meeting his gaze squarely. Her breath caught when he lowered his head, brushing his lips quickly across her forehead, the contact so fleeting and swift that the delicious warmth of his lips on her skin faded away all too soon for her liking. The coldness in his eyes had ebbed away when he stared at her; the expression on his face unusually soft.

Keeping his eyes fixed on her, he shifted his palm slightly so that his thumb was sweeping across her lips, lingering there for a moment or two. Her stomach tightened as an involuntary shiver glossed down her spine and the blue flecks in his irises seemed to darken to a delicious shade as he watched her. "моё сердце принадлежит тебе (my heart belongs to you), aнгел мой," he said quietly, before reluctantly pulling away from her.

She was so stunned that she didn't react for a moment. By then, he'd already pulled the door shut. She grabbed her phone to sent a quick text to Steve, then ran after Bucky. One glance at the elevators made her realise that he hadn't used them. The stairs leading downwards were empty as well. She headed up to the roof, only to find him on the next building. She didn't know how he managed to jump across—the height alone was dizzying enough.

"James!" she called. He immediately stopped in his tracks and whirled around.

"What the hell are you doing up here?" His voice was sharp and he swiftly made his way back. Her eyes widened when he vaulted his bag over to the roof she was on, before running the rest of the distance and then hurling himself over. The ease at which he jumped was almost frighteningly beautiful to watch. He looked like some kind of predator in the dark with acute reflexes, but she barely even had the time to register that before he was striding over to her, pulling her firmly away from the edge. "It's not safe up here, doll, are you out of your fucking mind?"

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