first to comment gets dedication!!!
(11, Captain Jack has entered)
(11 has invited the Ponds, River, Rose)
Captain Jack:........
River: *hisses at rose*
(Rose has left the chatroom)
Rory the Roman: River!!! that was mean!!!
River: oh shut it dad!
the redhead: River!!!
River: sorry mum.
River: Hello Sweetie!!! what did you find out about the 'show'
River: O.o okay Jack!!!! YOU TELL ME!!!
Rory the Roman: River don't pressure him!!
Captain Jack:........
the redhead: maybe we should just go we can find out later...besides dinners Ready!!!!!
River: You made dinner? is it edible?
Rory the Roman: River don't talk to your mother like that!!!!
the redhead: yes I made dinner and Yes it IS edible....let's go Rory!!!
(the pond have logged off)
River: well I'm waiting
(Mycroft Holmes has logged on)
Mycoft Holmes: DO NOT SPEAK A WORD!!!
(Sherlock thesmartone has logged on)
Sherlock thesmartone: Mycoft are you terrorizing civilians again?
River: WTH
11: yes ....yes he was. PLEASE DON'T HURT MY SKINNY TIME LORD BODY!!!!!!
Sherlock thesmartone: I'm telling mummmy
Mycroft Holmes: Shut up SHERLOCK!!!
River: i'm out!!!!
(River has logged off)
11: Sherly do something!!!!! jack you're like i dunno 1232 billion years old or something like that don't worry.
Captain Jack: it was sarcasm Doctor you don't have to be mean!!!
(CaptainJack has logged off)
Sherlock thesmartone: John's home...must go greet him.
(Sherlock thesmartone has logged off)
(Lestrade has logged on)
Lestrade: Myc!!!! Stop terrorising the poor thing.
11: yes please stop....*Crawls under blanket*
Mycroft Holmes: I'm noooootttttttttt!!!!! *glares at Doctor*
Lestrade: let's go Myc....
(Lestrade and Mycroft Holmes have logged off)
11: huh there all gone!!!!
(11 has logged off)
Doctor Who Chatroom! -----completed
FanfictionIT'S A DOCTOR WHO CHATROOM DOES THAT NOT EXPLAIN ITSELF??!??!? note: I don't own any of the characters and whatever...