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Waiting is just the beginning. It makes up everything we think we know. I know this, as I wait outside a bus station,

waiting for the call that will tell me whether to stay or go. Here's the funny thing about waiting. When you do it all the time, you adapt to it and put off your own wants and needs, figuring that the answer will come to you in the form of some dark prince. Answers don't just come, though. They must be searched for. Without the Hunt, life can't be launched.

Back then, I didn't know what I wanted. I'm pretty sure that even now I have no idea. But that bus station was my turning point. I couldn't wait forever, even as the call rang through my phone, I walked into the building and purchased myself a ticket to the first bus out of town.

I barely even registered where my destination was, just that I had to get to the departure gate and board that bus without looking back.

When my class was called, I walked to the open doors of a gray double decker bus and climbed aboard, taking the narrow stairs up to the second level and shoving my things in the overhead storage space before easing into my seat next to the window.

My phone dinged again, so I turned off the power and put my head back and closed my eyes.

A couple minutes later, I hear a "I'm sorry to wake you, but may I sit next to you miss?"

A child that couldn't have been older than ten, was looking at me with pleading eyes as I heard the bus driver announce that the bus was full and we would be taking off shortly. I took a deep breath and smiled at the child, "Sure thing, sweetie. Go ahead."

"Thank you so much, miss. I'm Patrick." He was a little out of breath, pretty suspicious.

"I'm Ellison.."

I was about to say more but I was cut off by the driver, who asked if there was an Ellison aboard the bus.

No no no no no.... It couldn't be. I cringed into my seat, and the little kid set his hand on my shoulder in a calming gesture. I nodded my appreciation but refused to stand up to face the man I knew had found out which bus I was on in order to bring me back to our "home".

"Ellie, I know you're in here!" George, my husband, yelled as I heard his footsteps on the stairs.

"Sir!" I heard some more footsteps. "You don't have a ticket, and I'm afraid that if your wife was on here or wanted you to know she was on this bus, she would have made her presence known by now. Please exit the bus."

I sighed my relief and visibly deflated. George was an awful man. He had cheated on me and hit me all within the same night under the influence of some clear liquor. So I had to get out of St. Louis. Now.

I turned towards Patrick so my face was not visible to anyone outside of the bus just as the engine roared to life and I felt the bus jerk into motion.

"So what are you doing here, Patrick?"

He huffed a breath, "I could ask you the same, since you completely ignored the man that passed through security checks so you would get off the bus." I tipped an eyebrow up at his sarcastic remark and gave him a look that asked where the cute little kid went.

He sighed again. "My parents planned to send me off to a boarding school so I made arrangements with my uncle so he could be my legal guardian instead. I'll be attending school in a little town called Everpine Springs. Your turn."

This poor kid. His parents didn't want them so they shipped him off to the first acceptable location. "I'm going to take a break from my life for a little while."

"My uncle said he was needing a babysitter for me when he is not home, you could take that job in Everpine Springs" His haunted expression turned into excitement.

"I may just consider it, Patrick." I said with a smile. "But for now, I'm going to get a little shuteye."


When I came to, we were passing the Alabama state line. I adjusted myself and stretched before looking over at Patrick, who had fallen asleep with a copy of Warriorcats on his chest. I smirked, and looked out the window at the trees and greenery we passed by at 60 miles per hour. The bus driver indicated that we were quickly approaching Mobile and we would be there in just under an hour.

I settled back in my chair further and waited.

"Ellie?" Patrick grumbled. "Are we almost there?"

I looked at the adorable kid as he rubbed his eyes and glanced out the window.

"Yes Patrick. We'll be there soon."

"mmmmhm" he muttered and drifted back to sleep again, but not before falling onto my shoulder and using me as a pillow.

When we arrived at the Mobile bus station, I nudged Patrick. "We're here"

He got up just as soon as we stopped and I followed suit, grabbing my bag and jacket from the overhead compartment.

I reached for Patrick's hand, feeling protective of him as we waited for other people to grab their things and file off of the bus.

When we got inside the building, Patrick promptly let go of my hand and started running. "Patrick!" I yelled, running after him. "Patrick, hold on!" I broke through a crowd of people, shooting apologies at them as I barreled through.

When I caught up with the blonde child, I grabbed his hand and sunk down to his level "Patrick, please don't do that again-"

"Patrick, who is this?" A handsome man that must not have been older than 27, just about my age asked with a distinctive southern accent.

"Oh I'm sorry, you must be Patrick's uncle." I backed off slightly, looking at the stranger with new eyes. He was handsome, and indeed I could see the resemblance between the two.

Patrick interjected, "Ellie, this is my uncle Ren, Uncle Ren, this is Ellie. I would like her to be my babysitter"

Patrick was so blunt, I looked up at Ren and nodded, "I could use the job, sir. I may have came here on short notice and don't have a house or job in order yet."

Ren nodded. "Since I'm short on options in our little town, you'll have to do. You can stay in my home, in your own quarters and you get minimum wage. I'm Dr. Tucker to you."

"I appreciate it, Dr. Tucker. Thank you so much" His "better-than-thou" attitude would take some getting used to since I'm used to working at my law firm with a degree from Yale but the less he knew about me, the better.

Patrick squealed, oblivious to my internal thoughts. "Yayyy!!! Ellie gets to stay with us! Isn't that great, Ellie?"

I took Patrick's left hand as Ren held onto his right and replied, "Yes it is, Patrick" while giving his little hand a squeeze.


Well that's all for this first chapter.

Please vote and give any constructive criticism you have for this story so far, I do appreciate input from readers other than my cats.

Have a great night, guys.


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