I watch as Riot loads the last gallon of oil into the back of the jeep. We have about an hour before the fair opens at 5 pm and I'd rather not be behind on the first day. As he closes the door and slides into the driver's seat, I hand him an apple turnover wrapped in wax paper.He holds it apprehensively. "What?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. "Nothing, just worried I'm gonna get like, poisoned or whatever." "No biggie, we can always fix that", I shoot back. He gives me a wink before unwrapping the pastry and taking a bite out of it, fluttering his eyes and moaning appreciatively. The sound brings a small blush to my cheeks and I turn my head to hide it.
All of a sudden, his (stupid-gorgeous) eyes bug out and he clutches his throat, all while choking and coughing frantically. "Riot!" I shout, twisting in my seat and undoing my seatbelt. As I turn my head to release it, I hear a small giggle. I jerk my head up just to see Riot with his head tilted down. "Riot, you ok?! Answer me, please!"
The giggling gets louder and louder until Riot's body is quaking from how hard he's laughing. "Oh man! Got you scared, didn't it!" he chortles while wiping a tear from his eye. I swear I'm seeing red right now.
"RIOT WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU . YOU DONT JOKE AROUND LIKE THAT." I yell. His laughing stops and he straightens up a little. God, I feel so embarrassed at losing my cool like that. And in front of my boyfriend too. "Hey relax babe, it was just a joke. You don't really believe you poisoned me, right?" He knits his brows together and tentatively reaches a hand over. I shoot him a glare so vicious he drops it immediately.
"Riot, you of all people should know not to joke about stuff like this. I just-I can't stand the thought of you in pain. I already go through enough from Luc." I admit, lowering my gaze. Silence falls for a moment until I feel his hand, rough yet tender, slowly tilt my head back up before I'm met with a gentle kiss. "I'm sorry, T. I just wanted to mess around a little, I didn't mean to scare you like that. Well I mean, I did mean to scare you but-"
"Just hush" I say, rolling my eyes as I pull him to me for another kiss."Seriously Troye, I'm sorry. I didn't realize how it would affect you and for that......I don't know how I can make it up to you." He says, his expression regretful. I sigh and lean back into my seat, my lips slowly curving up into a smile. "Well, for that you get to slave over the hot oil for the next 3 hours" I bat my lashes playfully as he groans. "And....you're buying me taffy after this." He groans even louder. "Please not the fair taffy. I hate having to buy from them," he pleads. I grin wickedly,
"That's why you don't scare your girlfriend."He laughs and we continue our playful banter throughout the entire drive to the fair. It takes us an hour to set up the booth and another 45 minutes to get everything started cooking.
Before I know it, people are starting to make their way through the gates. As Riot and I are cooking, Riot suddenly says, "No." I turn and find him staring out into the crowd, a look of disgust on his face. I scan the crowd and find Layla being led by the source of Riot's disgust: Lucifer.

ParanormalAn approaching war between Heaven and Hell has tensions running high An arms race on both sides, competing for power has never been so deadly... When you're forced to move to a new town Your life can be flipped entirely upside down. Layla Dawn Park...