Chapter 33- Who Am I?

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Hey Guys its been a while but I've been reading back through and rethinking parts of my story, so keep an eye out as i might go back and try and write some parts differently. Thanks and enjoy :)

Daryl POV

What was that? That weren't Kira, the way she spoke, the way she moved, all different. where's that gentle touch and kindness in her voice, even when she was pissed at me i could still tell she didn't want to be mad but this... this aint her... this aint my Kira.

Kira POV

I could hear thumping on the door at first but the soon retreated, i could still hear their mumbles behind the walls, they were still there, they weren't going anywhere. i stood up looking around the room in shear panic trying to find anything like a weapon i could use. My eye's hit a window, 'Yes! A way out' i walked over quickly trying to pull it up but nothing, no movement i moved the lock back and forth but it did nothing. i noticed all around the window were nails and on the other side it was border up at the bottom.

"Looks like I'm not getting out without a fight" i went through all the draws in the room and didn't find anything. my eye's turned to a tall unconscious boy with a patch across his eye. 'the hell happened to him...maybe he's like me... a prisoner'. the only other thing in the room was a small wooden stool, i laid it on his side and broke on of the legs in half.

"Great now i feel like a fucking vampire slayer" i turned my eye's back to the window seeing if i could tell where i was but my eyes only filled with confusion. People...Well sort of were walking around the town i seemed to be in but something wasn't right with them one bit. i looked at one that was passing the window, i stared it out as it half a head turned to me, i felt a lump in my throat feeling like i would throw up at the sight of a melting face and broken limbs of a walking rotting corpse. i pulled the curtains shut and walked back from the window. i was so distracted i didn't see the door open behind me.

I walked straight into someone's chest and jumped but before i could move large arms wrapped behind me making me drop the wooden stake i had. one of the guys from before came running in and went straight to the bed with the kid in. Maybe he's...A Dad? "I didn't do nothin'" i muttered no longer caring about struggling. the mans eyes shot up to mine and he nodded walking towards me "Who are you?" that question got to me, i really didn't know after all, a name... think of a name... nothing.

"Ain't y'all calling me Kara?"

"Kira" the man holding me said his voice running straight through my ear like soft butter, i could feel my heart racing like crazy, whether it was him or the situation i didn't know.

"Right, Kira? then i guess that's ma name"

"You don't know your own name?" The dad asked i grit my teeth going to move towards him only to have the other mans grip tighten on me. "So what...I sure as hell don't know mine, but i don't know yours either. what the hell's happening here Pops" he arched a bro at the name pops but continued. "This might take a while, lets go sit down and we can all relax alright" he nodded towards the man holding me and he released his grip hesitantly. i moved away from him, turning to get a good enough look at him, now i was staring at him face my heart was defiantly racing for this guy, but why, he weren't nothin' special...was he?

the took me back into the medical like room and we sat down on the beds, my eyes were on the man making my heart race, i couldn't bring myself to look away from him, he leaned against a wall near me and arched a brow obviously noticing i was staring, i saw him smirk at me "Like what ya see Peaches?" i felt my face flush at his words "Damn red neck" i moved my gaze away from him hearing him scoff at me. 'Peaches? it like i can hear that in my head somewhere. It's familiar'. i heard someone clear their throat and looked up to pops.

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