(Lanie Parker P.O.V)
August 27, 2016
If you asked me how much I'm regretting this day, it would be more than when I was looking forward to the release day of The Fault In Our Stars by John Green; and that says a lot for me. After almost hyperventilating over breakfast while contemplating my whole life and trying to get enough courage to walk out the door, I made it. To hell. Just kidding, my first day of college. It really didn't help that we were out of Pop Tarts this morning. I repeat, POP TARTS, the world's necessity! I can't believe I made it through the daunting gates of the university let alone my first day of classes. I finally let out a breath, I didn't realize I was holding, as I walked through my apartment doors, only to be greeted by my lovely brother, Andrew. Don't get me wrong I love my brother, but sometimes I would like some peace and quiet. Which doesn't come often when you are sharing an apartment with an immature 22 year old guy. Clearing my thoughts, I decided to use the fact that his back was facing me to my advantage. With all the energy I could muster I ran up to him, tackling him to the ground.
"Woah, excited to see me?" Andrew said with his usual cocky smirk. Just as I was about to grace him with one of my many sarcastic comments he interrupted me, "How was your first day?" he asked while taking a seat on the couch. Sitting down next to him, I replied, "How do you think it was, Andrew? You have known me for 18 years, did you just now notice that I am one of the most anti-social people in the universe?"
" Now, now, things can change" he said with a wink pulling out his phone. " In fact I do believe you are coming out to eat with my friends and I tonight."
" In your dreams, Mr. Parker," I said.
But right when I entered my room, I heard the angelic words, "There will be pizza." Damn him, he knows how to get me every time I thought as I re-entered the living room and grabbed the keys. "I'll be driving" I shout.
Many words could describe this very moment. One, heavenly, for the delicious pizza in front of me. Option two, horrible for the great company I have, my brother and three of his fellow football friends, Oliver, James, and Tyrone. I guess I can't say horrible, just not ideal. Because if I'm being honest the three juniors in front of me are nothing short of hot, although it's weird of me to be thinking like that seeing that they are my brothers best friends but a girl can dream, right? Although with their personalities this girls dream would quickly become a nightmare. They all seem to be your typical "hotshot jock", hot, arrogant, and extremely cocky. In fact I would happily change places with one of the many girls casting looks at my brother and his friends. I'm trying not to judge but it's becoming difficult. And just as I thought this night couldn't get any worse, my brother said the expected words I however was dreading, "Hey guys, want to come chill at our apartment for a while?"
As soon as we reached our apartment with the three boys trailing behind, I booked it to my room. Pulling out a book and snuggling a little deeper into my bed I started to think about how much of a nerd I really am, and no I'm not ashamed to admit it. But stop your assumptions right there! I am not your typical cliche nerd, not at all! Yes I do prefer to stay in reading a book or watching a movie but that doesn't mean I won't go out and have fun when I want to. I also will stick up for myself if needed and I'm not afraid to give someone a piece of my mind.
After a couple of hours reading and enjoying the comforts of my room, my stomach decided it was set on having ice cream and wasn't taking no for an answer. Glancing over at my clock that reads eleven, I decided why not, just listen to your stomach, Lanie. I slowly opened my door so it wouldn't squeak and continued to the kitchen using my great ninja skills, therefore I couldn't be seen by four specific idiotic boys. Once in the kitchen I scooped myself some mint chocolate chip ice cream still in ninja stealth mode. Sighing, I looked at my beautiful creation in front of me before I put the ice cream back. I couldn't cook for the life of me, so yes I take pride in the scooping of my ice cream being tumblr worthy. "Now for the long journey back." I mumbled under my breath. Before leaving the kitchen, I ended up peeking through a gap in between the walls. There, I saw the boys together in the living room.
"Andy or Oly, one of my favorite people, make some popcorn, please. For me?" James said with a pleading puppy face. I stood there watching him for a second with amusement. Wait, popcorn, kitchen, "abort hiding" I screamed to myself in my head. I continued to scream "fast", to myself of course, while activating my ninja mode and carrying my bowl of ice cream. But let's face it, I'm not a very good ninja, and not too fast when I'm carrying ice cream that I care deeply about. My plan had failed and standing before me was the four people that made me activate a plan. "Wanna watch a movie with us?" the one I think was Tyrone asked, interrupting my thoughts of self pity. "Not tonight boys" I said walking back to my room. Glancing back, I saw them give each other amused looks similar to a group of tweens giggling over a picture of Zac Efron.
"Goodnight Lanie." They chorused together. I stopped to give Andrew my signature look. Then turned back around.
"Love you sis" he yelled at me as I closed my bedroom door. Now, I knew something was up as I yelled back "Love ya too", sarcastically. Climbing under the covers of my bed, i thought to myself that I most definitely wasn't ready for this "once in a life time" college experience nor am I prepared for that group of boys and what they are planning.
*******************************-There you go, guys, the very first chapter.
I hope you enjoyed it. Please give feedback it's greatly appreciated. Actually, it's surreal that someone might actually reading this other than me, and might like it. So whoever, if anyone, read this chapter or this awkward "author note" I really applaud you. Also, the picture at the beginning of this chapters is the actors I imagine as the characters. The cast list is also below this note. You of course can imagine them however you like. In addition, the uploads for this story are attempting to be weekly throughout this summer break. Hope you all have a great day. And don't forget, smile🙃
- FallAwayx
xoxoCast List:
Lanie Parker as Chloë Grace Moretz
Andrew Parker as Sam Claflin
Tyrone as Dave Franco
Oliver as Nick Robinson
James as Andrew Garfield

There & Back
ActionThere & Back _______________________________________ Lanie Parker is the definition of a fangirl. Instead of going out, she prefers staying in with a good book and a box of pop tarts. Until one day, her favorite actor appears at her doorstep. Here'...