His Immaturity's

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Ross: Almost every time of the day, he’s acting like a little kid. Whether it’s begging you for something at the store, or just running around the house hyper, he’s always doing something childish. You liked it though, because that was just the way he was. 

Riker: He would go crazy when Veggie Tales came on, singing to the top of his lungs. He somehow knew every word, and you would almost die of laughter. Disney movies was both of your thing, and you didn’t really even see that as being childish at all. To you, it was the cutest thing ever!

Rocky: His immaturity was pranking. He was always hiding somewhere, trying to scare the life out of you. He came up with better hiding spots than you ever would have dreamed of though, so you gave him props for that. He would always get out the Nerf guns, or shoot someone with silly string. It was a daily struggle!

Ratliff: He loved telling jokes, whether it was knock knock ones, or just a one-liner. He would do cute little accents, making everyone in the room laugh. He had a funny sense of humor, and he used that to his advantage. He loved bringing back his childish ways, and you loved it!

Ryland: When it came to playing board games or cards, he was the cheater. He would always whine when he didn’t win, trying to cheat his way through. “Just one more round!” he pleaded, wanting to get another chance to beat you. “You’re such a child,” you giggled, giving him his way. 

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