Band Geeks

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So i have never written a story on Wattpad before. Please be nice. I hope you Enjoy. My Chapters are somewhat short but I'm hoping to fix them. Please tell me what you think and vote or comment.

                                                                       Chapter one

                                “I’D RATHER LIVE IN HELL THEN EVER BE WITH YOU”

              Those were the last words he said to me. Yes they are very hurtful, but believe me when I say I deserved it. I even set him up for the statement, saying “go to hell”. This is the second time of me breaking his heart all because I can’t figure out what I want in life, pathetic I know. He was the perfect boyfriend a girl could ask for. He would do anything to make me smile and make sure I was happy. His name is Jason, and if you ever met him you would love him.

            You might ask “if he was so perfect why mess up twice?” Well I’m back on track with the whole I can’t make my mind up. I thought the first time I hurt him that he wasn’t meant for me. I thought I should be with my ex. Which was a big fat lie and mistake of thinking of such a stupid thing? This time was because he was changing into something I didn’t want to be apart of. So I ended up arguing with him all the time. Which lead to the last comment you have heard from him. I know I lost something great but you just have to move on, right?

           Jason and I have talked a bit on and off but no hopes of fixing my mistake. In this timing I have focused more on my music. Oh by the way I am a huge band geek. My music keeps me together or at least seems like it. I hope to be a someday something but now I just practice my violin, trumpet, vocals, and other instruments. Only thing coming from this is that I’m getting better.

            Now back to present, I’m really good at getting off track, so you know. I was sitting in the band room playing Vivaldi’s Concerto on my violin. It’s an old song and it kind of repeats itself a lot but it has helped me a lot with my technique. I’m more in tune and my bow really good compared to before.

Whoa something just touched my shoulder. I jumped slightly and my music teacher laughs a bit. I tend to really focus on my playing. He is the strangest teacher but yet the kindest at the same time. He is love by the staff and all of the student body. He can be the nicest person but you never want to get on his bad side. He has been helping me a lot this year and I have no idea how I would be able to play with out his help.

Next to him is a boy who I have never seen. Which is weird because I know everyone involved with the music program at school? The boy is about 6 feet tall, black shaggy type hair, and these amazingly green eyes. He was wearing simple blue jeans and a black V-neck shirt. He was slightly tan and muscular but not enough to see his. Which is gross, in my opinion? I must admit this guy was pretty damn sexy.  Mr. Donch tells me he is a new student here and he plays about as many instruments as me. I find this quite amazing because everyone here is a one instrument person except me.  Mr. Donch just walks away because he doesn’t believe in the whole introducing students. He thinks when they feel comfortable enough they will say it themselves.

            He isn’t saying anything, why isn’t he saying anything? I hate awkward silences they are so annoying. Finally I can’t take it.

“Hey I’m Sarah.” I say

            He just kind stands there and doesn’t say anything. God come on this is a pain. Well if he wants to stand there and not move then let him. Not my problem.

“Well I’m a senior here and if you need anything in the band room, come to me. I know this place all to well.” I say and go back to playing violin again.

Band GeeksWhere stories live. Discover now