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I got this story from StarcoLover99 I own nothing!

(Marco's POV)
Here I was, sitting under the night sky. I had the chance to be looking at the sparkling stars in the sky, but I chose to look at this star. My star. The girl I've had a crush on for a long time.
Star Butterfly.
I've wanted to ask her out for so long..
But I fear she won't feel the same way.

"Hey, Star," I said softly.

"Yeah?" She said, glancing at me.

I hesitated. Am I really ready?

"Star I...." I started. But I couldn't do it.
"N-nevermind." I said.

"Marco?" She said.

"Yeah?" I asked. Not making eye contact.

"Which one of these stars are your favorite?" She asked.
I smiled.
"I'm looking at her," I said, as I glanced at her.

"Aww," she smiled. Then she rolled over and snuggled into my chest.
I blush and put my arms around her.

"I love you,"

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