Chapter 48

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(Luke pov)

I felt bad for just leaving our friends at the church without no explanation but willow was really scaring me..
I knew they all had a way home but I still felt bad.. I parked and went over and picked her up.. I was just going to take her to the hospital but then I thought I should go talk to her mom first..

I knocked on the door.. Lilly answered I shook my head and ran up stairs to let her sleep more then I went back down to talk to lilly..

She and Nathan were sitting on the couch waiting for me.

"What's up luke?"

I didn't really know how to answer that question because I didn't know if I was right or not.. Or if I was over stepping my line..

But hey if I was I might as well go two feet all at once.." Okay not to sound rude or anything but have you guys notice that Willow has been sleeping a lot more this last couple of days?"

They look at each other" yeah maybe.. Why?"

" it's just I don't know but I was bored one night and looked up type one diabetes and like I remember reading somewhere about DKA.. Like the symptoms are sleeping a lot, high blood sugar, fruity breath, ketones, and a bunch more.. But like she has all of those.. Well I'm not sure about the ketones but everything else is there. I'm not trying to be rude about this.. Like I'm not saying that you guys don't pay attention and all that but it just worries me.. And like she's paler then normal.. It's just.." I realized I was rambling so I stopped talking.

Nathan smiled a little" maybe we should go see if she wants to go to the hospital."

Lilly looked scared as she nodded and went up stairs.

(Willows pov)

I woke up to my mom shaking me.. I sat up rubbing my eyes wondering how I got in my room

"Hey mom."

She smiled and sat on my bed.. "Hey honey.. How are you feeling?" She felt my head..

"Umm okay what's wrong?"

"Has your blood sugar been high for awhile."

I avoid eye contact..

"Willow you have been checking haven't you?" She asked sternly..

I want to decline. I really really did but if I did then she would be able to tell.. So I went with the smart but hard thing I sighed and shook my head.

"Willow I trusted you to take care of yourself not damage yourself more.. Come on let's get you to the hospital.."

"Could I change a least because I'm cold.." I shivered knowing there was no way I was getting out of this trip to the hospital..

"Yes you can but be down stairs in 5 minutes.. Luke stay up her with her.. make sure she doesn't hurt her self.."

" Mom I'm literally right here.."

She ignored me and walked out of the room closing the door behind her.

I didn't even look at him"are you disappoint in me also?"

"I wouldn't say disappointed but I wish you would have took care of yourself.."

"I didn't know this would happen.."

He looked like he wanted to say more but he didn't instead he grabbed me some clothes and stepped out of the room..

I rolled my eyes as I took off my shirt and shorts.. I got up to get the clothes in which he sat on my dresser.. although I didn't make it very far when my leg started to shake from weakness.. next thing you know I was face first in on the carpet..

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