^1 month later^
Is the 3rd time I make sure that I had absolutely everything that I needed for Virginia. I checked Autumn's room, making sure she had eveything thing she needed, locked up the house and left.
Talking to my lawyer last week, he told me that I may have a big possibility to have full costudy of Autumn since, some new criminal things have popped up recently with Michelle. I swear, I dont understand what I ever saw in her or what Kind of human being she was. I dont even understand why she does the things she does. But I really didnt care to know either. All I wanted...was my daughter.
Jacob: you all set man? (Helps August put the luggage in the trunk)
Me:*insecurely* ye-yes! I do.
Jacob: Aight dawg. Let me go say bye to wifey real quick and we'll go.
I got in the car, put on my seatbelt thinking about my daughter, seeing Michelle's face again. Now I know yall might have thought that I was gonna fly out there, hang, see places and then go to business. Na Im going straight to it.
As soon as I land, my lawyer will pick me up and will go to court right away. I cant wait to hold and see my baby for the first time.
Jacob:(starts cars and drives off) so How long you gon be staying there man?
Me: not long, prob...a week.
Jacob: aight aight. That cool. Gon be hitting up the clubs. Banging the girls like cray(smiles)---
Me:(shurgs faces) wait what!!!?? Naa Naa Naa. Come on J, you know I aint bout that man. (Replays what Jacob just said in his head again) oh naa bro!! I cant believe you just said that!!
Jacob:(laughs) Im sorry man. I was just joking with you. But Im just saying...Have fun. You worry about other people too much. Just go on ahead and have fun (smiles and makes a turn).
Me: Ill try J, I'll try. You know how I always gotta keep checking up on you, like Im bout to do now. So how are you and Gia doing? How the kids?
Jacob:( arrives at the airport) Ill let you know, when you come back(smiles and gets out the car)
Me:(gets out the car and take out his luggage) you scaring me Latimore.
Jacob: stay that way. (Smiles)
Oh Lord. Keep em under your wings.
Me: Aight man, well. I gotta go.
Jacob:(they brotherly hug) Aight man. Have a safe flight and stay blessed.
Me:(walking away) you know I will, but thanks.
Jacob: (As August keeps walking) Have Fun!!!!
Me: I will.
Me:(entering the house)*shouts* Im home!!!!!
Me:(walking towards the kitchen) Aight!
^in the kitchen^
Gia:(washing the vegetables. She pokes her lips out to greet Jacob with a kiss) Hey boo!
Me:(kisses her cheek, leaving Gia's lips hanging) Hi.
Gia: Really J?!
Me:(grabs an apple) "Really J?" What?
Gia: nothing (shaking her head, kinda upset) never mind. Nothing.
Me:(chuckles as he bites his apple) you really thought I was gon kiss you?(takes another bite)
Gia: *very upset* yes, I really thought you was gonna greet your wife properly. But never mind. (Begins to walk away and Jacob Follows)
Me:*chuckles* you forgot what you did to me a month ago?
Gia: (throws his dirty socks at his face, as they are now in their room) a month ago?!?! Really Jacob, you still mad over that?
Me: (sits on the edge of the bed) you left me hanging. " I want some chocolate cake". All for some damn chocolate cake. *scoffs* I hope the cake was good and worth it.
Gia:(fixing the clothes) and I hope sleeping on the couch tonight is good and worth it TOO!!!
Me:(changing his clothes) Im not sleeping on the couch.
Gia: (faces him) Well Im not sleeping with you.
Me: then sleep on the couch.
Gia: woow! Thanks J. I'll sleep on the couch. *mumbles* dont be surprise if you dont find me there either.
Me: what was that?
Gia: F* you. (Walks away)
Me: *shouts* you did several times babe, we ended up making three kids, remember??(smiles)
I know Gia was upset, but she'll come around.
Roc:(entering the house) club tonight at 8:00, the ship leaves at 8:30, so be there or be square.
Me:(goes down stairs to greet Roc) Wassup Roc!(they do their hand shake) you just gon come on my house like that?
Roc: my sister's house too. But yo don't forget.
Gia:(hugs Roc) wassup Roc.
Roc: wassup pretty one. Why you upset?
Gia: Im not. So whats going on tonight?
Roc: party on boat. Club, tonight at 8:00, they leaving 8:30.
Gia: ayeee! Litt. Ill ask my mom to watch the twins. Maybe I can find someone that's worth sleeping with me tonight.
Roc/Jacob (shrugs face): what was that?!?
Gia: nothing. Just gotta look for something good to wear today. (Grabs keys)
Me: where you going?
Gia:(walking out the door) That aint your problem. (Slams the door. Roc sits there clueless).
Roc: what-whats up with her?
Me: * mad* nothing.
I hella mad right now. Gia think the things she says be funny. But it aint.
I asked Jay if he wanted to help me with the kids progam this Afternoon. That Jacob would've known about if he wasnt acting like you guys just saw.
Neyon: Hey Dr. Latimore!!!
Me: heyyy Neyon! Im glad you made it!!!
Neyon: too. Im sorry I couldn't make it to your beach house welcoming the other day. My grandmother wasnt feeling well so...
Me: its ok, its cool. Next time!
Neyon: Aight bet. You brought your kids today,Dr. L?
Me: naa my two big ones, went camping with the church for the weekend and the know.
Neyon: awww man. Ok. They'll come time.
Me: yes, deff bringing them.