Together Forever

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I'm so nervous right now I can't breath. What if I trip and fall or what if he says no to the vows or what if someone objects.

All of these things go through my mind. I stare at myself in the mirror with my curly black hair.

I have a little hair piece thing in my hair from my mum and my long princess wedding gown.

"You look beautiful" my mum says. "Thanks." I say. I hold some blue and purple flowers.

Liam will be walking me down the isle. Bryce is ok with it because he doesn't like a lot of eyes on him.

Kristen insisted that Adam be the ring bear so I said he could. My two little cousins are the flower girls.

Me and Harry have written our own vows and I have memorized mine because they are all from my heart.

I have quite a few brides maids and grooms men. I invited my friends I made in prison too but no one knows that.

They just think their old childhood friends. I even invited my sister, my birth mother and father are coming also.

I'm ok with them now, they are my birth mother and father but I have my real mum.

Lisa comes in. "Long time no see sis." I hug her. "The wedding starts in 10mins, here's you bridesmaid dress." I say and hand it too her.

"It's cute ill go put it on." she says and walks too the bathroom. She is a better person now.

Louis is Harry's best man. I hope he doesn't pull any weird stunts. Chad, Missy and Ricky should be here any minute.

Kristen comes in. A blue flower in hair and in a bridesmaid drees. "You look so gorgeous!" she says.

Isabella and Cheyenne also come in. Also wearing the dresses. I bite my lip. "What if something goes wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing is going too go wrong." Jade say. Jade is one of my friends from high school.

Kristen squeals and hugs her. "Jade its been like foreva girl!" Kristen says. "I know." she says.

Adam toddles in. "Mommy." he says and holds unto Kristen's leg. She crouches down and holds him putting his legs around the side of her waist.

"Daddy was suppose to be watching you." Kristen says. "Er mah gersh you have a baby?!?" Jade asks.

"Yes this is Adam." she says and smiles. "Where's the father?" I gotta meet him Jade says. "You might know him." she giggles.

Missy, Chad, and Ricky run in. Chad and Ricky both in tuxes. Missy does not yet have a dress. But yes Jade does.

I throw her a dress. Lisa comes out of the bathroom and Missy goes in.

We have changed our Location instead of a church we are having it outside. Liam runs in. "Wedding in 5 bridesmaids and grooms men be ready."

Liam says and comes and stands in front of me. "You look beautiful." he says smiling at me.

"Thanks bro." I say. "I'm nervous." I tell him. "Don't be, there is no reason to be. You love Harry don't you?" he asks.

"Of course I do." I say. "Then everything is fine." Everyone is cleared out of the room.

I hear the music start. I get the butterflies. Once all the brides maids and grooms men and everybody else goes its finally time for us too go.

I take a deep breath and Liam takes my arm and we walk down the isle. All the jitters go away once I see him.

Together Forever {2nd Book}Where stories live. Discover now