The surprise walk up call part 6

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*Katie's POV*

"Opens eyes and sees IV's in arm"

Katie: Where am I?

Austin: OMG I'm so glad your awake!

Nurse: good morning Ms. Kaitlyn!

Katie: Where am I? " not able to see who told her good morning"

Nurse: Hunnie your in a hostipal.

Katie: what happen?

Austin: well you were sleep walking and you fell hard! So they had to do x-rays and MRIs

Katie: oh wait sleep walking?

Austin: yeah I came over to give you your bracelet I made you last night it's a relationship bracelet and well you were laying on the ground and Jackie was calling 911.

Katie: where is Jackie?

Austin: she had to go to school or she would be in iss

Katie: oh.

Doctor: hey there miss Kaitlyn looks like you had a hard fall so we to some x-rays and MRIs on you and found that you had a broken hip joint so we fixed that and also fractured your arm so we did do surgery on your hip while you were asleep and we are about to put a cast on your arm.

Katie: so I'm guessing no walking for a month?

Doctor: well yeah most likely and your arm will be in a cast for 5 weeks

Katie: great just great!

Doctor: what's wrong?

Katie: basketball try outs are in 3 weeks!

Doctor: well I will sign a paper saying that you can't play until October!

Katie: okay but there first game is September the 28th

Doctor: well it's only August 30th you got Time before the first game okay any other question?

Austin: when will she be released?

Doctor: after she gets a cast put on her.

Katie: and that will be?

Doctor: about an hour from now.

Katie: Do i got crutches?

Doctor: Yes there are beside Austin.

Katie: okay thanks

Doctor: No problem i will see you in about an hour

Katie: okay.

Austin: you feelin alright hunnie?

Katie: No i'm trying to process all this

Austin: well put it short you won't be walking or carrying anything with two hand for a month

Katie: pretty much

Austin: Jackie said she will be out of school in an hour I talked her earlier

Katie: okay "flips to side" ugh it hurts!!!!!!

Austin: you okay "hurriesto side of the bed"

Katie: yeah I'm okay you can sit back down.

Austin: No I'm gonna stand right here just to make sure!

Katie: you don't have to

Austin: I want to!

Katie: Fine I'm going back to sleep

Austin: okay.

*Austin POV*

I watched Katie as she sleeped. I'm glad she is here just hours ago I was in the waiting room with my head in my knees hoping the best and crying. But she's here in front of me and that's all I could ask for! I check my phone when It buzzed it was a text from Alex

~ Text from Other Brother

Hey bud is Katie awake?

~Text from Austin:)

No she fell back asleep

~Text from Other Brother

Okay when she wakes up tell us we will come on over there we are at Dairy Queen next to the hostipal

~Text from Austin:)

Okay I will ttyl!!!

I waited for Katie to waken but then she was snoring lightly so I just started to laugh and get on twitter.

@AustinMahone: Still at the hostipal watching my girl snore lol 🙊🙉

It was two hours later Katie still asleep so I went to sleep.

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