Katie is missing and calli is dead

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3rd persons POV

Its a beautiful day in adventure bay

Hey Skye wanna go to Katie's with me (Chase)

Sure my love (Skye)

Hey may I come I would like to properly introduce myself to Katie (Arkalia)

Sure why not (Chase and Skye)

Thanks (Arkalia)

Your welcome Arkalia (Chase and Skye)

Few minutes later

Guys stop something doesn't seem right at all wait here and I'll scout ahead (Arkalia)

Well OK but be careful (Chase and Skye)

3rd persons POV

Arkalia went and scout ahead.

Hmm something is really not right here (Arkalia)

I hope nothing bad has happened Chase (Skye)

Me too Skye (Chase)

Why is the door open like that for (Arkalia)

3rd persons POV

Arkalia entered Katie's place and what he saw made him turn white and ran outside to a Bush and started to throw up

What's wrong Arkalia (Chase and Skye)

Um Chase and Skye does Katie have a blue cat (Arkalia)

Yes her name is Calli why (Chase and Skye)

God lets pray that she rest in peace poor little Kitty let's pray the monster who did this to you doesn't harm another soul rest in peace (Arkalia)

What's wrong with calli and where's Katie (Chase and Skye)

I don't know where Katie is but calli is inside (Arkalia)

If you don't tell us what's going on we'll just go inside and see for ourselves (Skye and Chase)

No don't it's too gruesome to see I'm begging you don't enter that place (Arkalia)

Is it bad (Chase and Skye)

I'll tell you its calli she'd been killed (Arkalia)

WHAT (Chase and Skye)

Calli had been beheaded in a gruesome way

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