There was nothing else to live for now. Her hair was gone. The love of her life was gone. Her future was gone. Her freedom was gone. Regina sighs as she steps on the ledge of the tower window. Her white dress was flowing in the wind as tears fell out her eyes. This is it. She can be with Robin in heaven. He was all she could think of when she stepped off of the ledge.
She was falling gracefully as the wind helped her fall faster to her death. Her eyes close as she lets out a small smile. She'll be free soon. She was nearing the ground, nearing her death but she stopped.
She stopped falling.
Her eyes pop open and she sees him.
The love of her life smiling as he held her.
He was alive.
"R-Robin your alive!" Regina yells as she kisses him.
"Of course I am lovely." Robin says as he sets her down on the ground. "I waited here trying to figure out a plan to rescue you and you just fell into my arms. Now, why were you falling out the window?" Robin asks her and she looks down at the ground.
"I thought you were dead. My mother cut all of my hair and I lost everything. I couldn't live without you so I-I jumped." Regina says and Robin hugs her.
"Regina, darling don't do that ever again. I love you and don't ever do that again. I love you, Regina." Robin says as he holds her cheeks.
"I love you, too." Regina whispers.
Robin brings Regina closer to him and kisses her softly. They both smile as they gently kiss each other. A gush of wind blew past the couple. Regina breaks the kiss and feels hair grow up to her shoulders. She smiles as she feels her hair.
"How-How did this happen?" Regina asks as she smiles widely.
"True loves kiss. With your hair shorter it'll be easier." Robin asks and Regina frowns.
"What will be easier?" Regina asks and Robin smiles.
"Running away." Robin says as he grabs her hand and leads her into the woods.
There they'll be happy and free.
Made a part two because they need a happy ending. onceuponatimefreak

Regina One Shots
FanfictionOne shots of Regina from Once Upon A Time. Some of these entries will be for contests. I will also write any one shot that someone suggests. I also won't post as much on this book.