you looked so happy, confidently striding by clumps of people.
you look my way for less than a millisecond and I decide to walk over to you. I walk clumsily, dragging my feet like have such a big smile on your face, you only have mascara on. you hair is up in two braids, your hair is grayish blue with streaks of red that collide and turn into the coolest shade of purple.
we walk four times around the track. you were being tested, I was alone and decided I could use the exercise. so why not walk together, right? we shouted out random fragments of songs and skipped majestically as people around looked at us like we were insane.
I had a lot of fun blue, I hope you did too. I really appreciated your company, actually.. I always do. it's nice to have someone to talk to.
Shades Of Blue
Poetryp o e t r y about a dream-chasing, under-credited, unbelievably-ambitious girl. [for my friend Kaitlyn, the bravest person I know. God knows I love you.]