Chapter 7

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Ludwig's POV:

Feliciano yelled, punching the wall. He turned, glaring at the blonde tied to the chair, starting to walk towards him, knife in hand. Matthew shook, trying to lean away from the fuming Italian, but he couldn't since he was tied down.

Lovino placed a hand on Feliciano's shoulder "calm down bastard" he commanded "I never thought I would say this about someone in another gang, but he's had enough and you need you back off" Feliciano glared at the command, but put the knife down, turning away from Matthew.

Feliciano sat down in a chair next to Kiku "you better be happy that I'm not going to do anything else Matthew Williams" he hissed at the blonde, who just looked down.

The door suddenly slammed open loudly "axis you have some guts to kidnap Mattie and Arthur" Alfred growled, pointing a gun at Feliciano.

Feliciano glared, standing up "shut your ass Alfred Jones! You can take him back!" He yelled, pushing the chair Matthew is seating in towards him, making it fall over.

Alfred ran over, taking out a knife and cutting the ropes. He picked up Matthew, giving Feliciano I look that had more hate than I've ever seen, sending chills down my spine.

Kat walked over, taking Matthew from Alfred's arms.

'I guess Kat is stronger then I thought.'

She glared at us "kick their asses Al" Alfred nodded once in understanding, and Kat walked away with Matthew, leaving the building.

Alfred put away his gun "let's go Feliciano Vargas, fists vs knifes" he challenged, and Feliciano put away his gun, grabbing two knifes "let's go Jones" as soon as he said that Alfred ran at him, hands in tight fists.

Natalia's POV:
Lovino rushed at the two, trying to help his brother, but I got to him before he could reach Feliciano and Alfred, cutting his arm. I saw Antonio run at me out of the corner of my eyes but Ivan landed a solid punch to his face, which stopped him.

Gilbert tried to help as well, but Yao stopped him this time with a hit in the head with his wok, knocking him out.

Yao's POV:
It was me against Kiku, and a small part of my heart was filled with pain at this "so it is me against you brother" Kiku said, and I nodded "it seems so Kiku" he took out his katana, and my grip tightened on my wok.

He ran at me, trying to slice my leg, but I was too fast, leading him to miss. I swung my wok, but he ducked right before it hit him, taking another swing at me, cutting my cheek.

My hand went to my face, as I looked in disbelief at Kiku, looking at my hand which had blood on it.

My eyes narrowed at him "that was a mistake aru" I growled. I swung my wok at his face, and this time it hit its target, making his head snap to the side.

"I hate fighting you" I swung again before he could regain his senses from the last hit, fully knocking him out "but I will defend my gang no matter what."

Matthew's POV:
I was left alone after faking falling asleep, and when I knew Arthur, Francis, or Kat wouldn't come into my room anytime soon, I jumped out my window, taking out my phone and dialing the one person I could turn to for time away from everything.


Matt answered, and I sped up my walking, pain shooting up my body with every step.

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